I should just shut my mouth!

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Found new songs I love. Listen to Crywank. Love the music.

Also, art:

I think I'll go with this style for now

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I think I'll go with this style for now.

We'll see how it works.

Also, I now remember why I never made a ref sheet for Freak. THIS is the reason. I can't keep one damn style and Freak always looks diffrent after a few weeks DX

Yo, I'm about to rant a litte, don't read if you wanna keep them pretty illusions. I hate this. I shouldn't be writing rants, but here I go again.

Eh... I'm fucked. Why is happiness so hard to achieve? I should be happy, but I'm not. It's not like I'm not used to being treated like shit tho. I'm just the unwated kid, the accident. And it seems like my parents want to shove that in my face. My mom is like "Oh, promise! You were the kid we most wanted", I call bullshit on that. If you wanted me, why didn't you plan a room for me?! I was born not even a year after you finished building this house. If you really wanted me, why am I the only one being punished for my bad language? Why am I the only one getting punished for fighting? Why am I the one getting punished even though he was the one who hit me and I defended myself? Why is it that you make me feel so unwanted then? Why do you keep yelling at me? Why do you keep telling me that you expect more of me and then put me down? Why do you tell me I'm your smartest child when I'm not? Why do you tell me how much you love me when you don't? Why do you keep picking on me if you love me? Why do you tell me all the time that I can't get anything done on my own but then tell me you didn't mean it? Why is it that you lie to me so much and then brush it off as joke? Why do you treat me as a family member when you don't even want me here? Why do you act as if everything was normal when you just yelled at me? Why are you the only ones that are allowed to yell? Why am I not allowed to defend myself? Why do you always laugh with him at me? What makes him so much better than me? I get it, everything. He's just better than me. He is what you want, he got the biggest room after all. even bigger than my sister's. he's better in every way. Is that why you never yell at him? Is that why he's allowed to hit me while I'm not? Is that why he's allowed to insult me and yell at me while I'm not? Is that why you always forget my name and never his? Is that why you never yell at him? Is that why you never punish him for hitting or insulting me? Is that why you only tell me to shut up? Is that why you love him and not me?

Yo, sorry, I shouldn't be writing this. I wanna stop ranting and venting already. I wanna sound happy, and I don't wanna have to write stuff like this to feel better. I want to confront people, but I'm too scared that I'm hated even more.

The thing is, even though I talked so badly about him, I love him, and I admire him, and no matter what he does to me, I could never hate him or be mad at him. All I can be is sad. Sad that I can't be a better sister for my big brother. Sad that he hates me. Sad that I'm such a hypocrite that not even my own siblings like me.

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