It's a hand. Yeah.

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Fuck. Thumb in the pic. Whatever.
Did my homework within two hours! ^^

Bed... now...

I just stood up and pretty much everything made a cracking sound. Angel knows what I'm talking about.
Either I'm getting old, or I'm crunchy. Either way is fine.

Btw, valentines day. Everyone is all lovey dovey and spends time with someone they like and what will i be doing?
Correct, I'm going to the KZ in Dachau to look at the place where thousands of jews and mentally "sick" people (even adhd was considered mental illness by hitler) died. Great, right? *plz notice sarcasm*

Am i talking gibberish? I dunno, but I'm really tired (YES! Finally!!! Me! Tired!) and my headache's killing me so.... i don't care and you shouldn't either.

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