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This will be torture...

OKay, so, despite the fact that I'm still sick af and have a cough attack every other minute, I decided that now is the time for the christmas presents I promised you.

I already finished 10 of them and still got about the same amount to go.

I'm listening to a song called "wir sind gamer" (we are gamers) because it motivates me. Don't judge me. I need this right now, I've been drawing for 8 hours straight. Just listen to it, the tune is good.

My right eye started twitching. Great. Just great. I dunno why, but I get random spasms and twitching sometimes. Not often but sometimes. I love it when my body doesn't do what I want... -.-

So, don't be confused by this chapter please, the next few hours, I'll probably update it a few times because I'll just thorw a few sketches I make in here. This whole christmas present project is really harsh on me and my body so I need a little distraction.
Like, if you have (slight) scoliosis like me, then you know that the most awkward positions are the most comfortable because they balance your sine out but I just can't find a comfortable postition to draw in.

Like, if you have (slight) scoliosis like me, then you know that the most awkward positions are the most comfortable because they balance your sine out but I just can't find a comfortable postition to draw in

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(My scoliosis isn't THAT extreme...yet) I tell you, it feels to awkward to feel your spine off to the side XD

Anyway, I'll just make this my sketch chapter, kay? Good.

Also, the sketch from last chapter cause I'll delete that one now:

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Also, the sketch from last chapter cause I'll delete that one now:

Also, the sketch from last chapter cause I'll delete that one now:

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I drew Patchy

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I drew Patchy. God, why am I not drawing him more often? Part of the reason he exists is to help me practise drawing paws and wolfs in general! Well, whatever, Looks as shitty as always. God I'm so tired....

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