*groans* I hate drawing

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Because I suck at it. Like, really, REALLY bad.
(Btw, this is a male)

Also, this whole "geometric shapes"-stuff works surprisingly well for me. I'm glad I tried that at some point...

Oh the irony. I remember saying that I'd never surrender to these stupid shapes for sketching not too long ago.

Also, we still have snow and it's around -10°C. And this is how I show you we have snow:

 And this is how I show you we have snow:

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Ah, shoot. Foot in the pic.

Our garden is full of snow. My mom told me I should build a snowman. So not gonna happen. Like ever. I'm pissed that we only got snow AFTER fucking christmas! I NEED MY WHITE CHRISTMAS!

I'm fine XD

Also, people keep asking questions about my arm. Like, no. Just ignore it if I tell you to do so!

Last one, kay?
So, a classmate and I were looking at the program for 10th grade (like, our school does one special thing for every grade. For example, 9th grade is going to an electric power plant), and 10th grade goes to the central university hospital where they'll be able to watch a heart operation.
And my classmate (whom I call... M) said she wouldn't go there next year because she couldn't see blood. So the conversation went like that:
Me: Well, sucks to be you if you ever hurt yourself.
M: Seeing my blood, that's okay, that's something diffrent.
Me: Well, what are you going to do if I get a nosebleed in front of you?
M: That's not an open wound so that's diffrent!
Me: What about if I get a paper cut and it starts bleeding and you see it?
M: No like, I can't stand seeing people cut open in front of me!
Me: What about if I start cutting myself in front of you?
Me: What?
M: What??
Me: Nothing. Forget it.
M: What I mean is, I don't wanna see the organs of someone!
Me: then stop looking anywhere, I don't have my skin all covered up (skin=organ)
M: You're impossible. I meant intestines!
Me: Why didn't you say so earlier?

I'm an asshole. And annyoing as fuck.

How are you all doing? :)
How's it going with maths, datfluffybunni? You understand it now? What are you doiung in maths at the moment?
(Yes, I actually read and care about your day)

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