Christmas Hat

102 20 38

I tried to do phone art. This genuinely sucks. Is that even how you write genuinely? It's probably not but I'm way too fucking lazy to look it up.

I went to a doctor and got my knee checked and apparently, I ripped a few strings of my inner thigh tendon. So it's not all that bad.
It hurts but it's supposed to heal in around two weeks if I don't do sports. In other words, I'm free from school sports classes! (I hate it. I don't mind sports but I hate the things we have to do in classes)

On top of that, I fucked up the french exam. But that was to be expected. Well, whatever.

Btw, Rayleigh_And_Masky, that's my "Adventskalender" (Advent Calender):

It's coca cola...
My mom thinks that coca cola is an energy drink.
That's why she bought it.
But I like it.

And lastly, because I hope

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