Chapter Forty Eight

Start from the beginning

Boots diner. The place we had gone to on our road trip to Tribune. The ache grew and spread past my heart. No, I wouldn't go down memory lane.

"Thanks Noah... You didn't have to drive all that way", I said, accepting the coffee and bag of turkey sandwiches from him "I could have grabbed something from the hospital cafeteria"

Now, I hadn't had much of an appetite ever since but the cafeteria food was really nothing to write home about, so Noah's gesture was much appreciated. These things he did for me, they warmed my heart.

Noah just shrugged and then bit into his turkey sandwich and that was the end of the conversation. We ate and drank our coffees in companionable silence, and I stole a glance at him every now and again. I always wanted to know what he was thinking. But I couldn't read him anymore; it was like he had drawn a mask of a cool facade over him, only revealing his emotions when he wanted to.

I finished eating and spoke immediately, not really thinking but just needing to fill the silence. "I missed a test yesterday. My professor would probably let me have a retake but they aren't all nice so I don't know when but I'll probably have to go back soon. I really wanted Darryl to wake up before I had to leave, but I don't know much longer it's going to be"

Noah just nodded silently, gazing straight ahead of him.

"And you?" I turned to him, prompting him.

"And me?" he quirked a brow at me, seeming surprised at my question.

"Yes. Aren't you missing anything? Putting your life on hold to be here?"

Noah just shook his head and then turned and looked right at me, right into my eyes and I swear I could feel the zing all the way to my toes.

"What are you really asking, Ellie?"

"I just want to know what's been going on with you..." I tried to make my request sound nonchalant but something in me spurred me on and I took on a more serious tone. "...What's been going on with you and your dad. What you've been doing in New York. How you knew where I lived. How you got me here".

"So, essentially everything?" Noah smirked at me


Noah took a long drawn out breath and sat up straight, his face taking on a grim look as he spoke. "I had a job offer in New York for a while from AndroTech while I was in Connecticut but I didn't take it immediately, well to be perfectly honest, because of you. We had just become official when the offer came in and I couldn't bring myself to just up and leave. You know I didn't work in my father's company forever"

I was quite stunned because AndroTech was one of the leading technology and robotics companies in the entire country. Noah had put that on hold... for me?

"When you broke up with me, Ellie I was a fucking wreck. But then I had a talk with Nate and he convinced me to get my shit together", Noah ran a hand through his hair "Thankfully, they hadn't withdrawn the offer just yet so without saying anything to my dad, I packed up and went to New York and left him to all his schemes. I had tried so hard for years to keep our family together and all for what? I had lost what mattered most", his hazel eyes cut to me and I couldn't help the goose bumps that prickled all over my skin "I wasn't the problem, my dad was... And I decided I wouldn't give up my whole life trying to fix it anymore. The best I can do is just hope that one day eventually, he'll come around"

"And about knowing where you where staying", Noah cracked a grin at me "I'm a computer nerd, remember? Sorry if that's stalkerish. I swear I only knew your address"

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