"I love this." Alice whispered.

"Being in your arms." She beamed.

Tom smiled brightly and pressed a kiss to her temple. She giggled softly, feeling his scruff tickle her skin.

"You know, you look just like how I first met you." Alice spoke, pulling back to look up at him.


"Yeah. Beard, hair... everything. I like it."

She quickly ruffled his hair and laughed as Tom gave her a look, furrowing his brow. He quickly adjusted his hair as Alice pressed a quick kiss to his cheek.

"I'm glad you had a good show tonight, but have you thought about getting in contact with your agent?" Tom asked.

"Tom, with the show and a kid, I don't know if I'll have the time. Plus, I hate having to always ask your mom to come over at the drop of a hat just to watch him for a few hours anytime I have to go out on an audition. Maybe in the next few months but I'm fine right where I am."

"You have a little over three years before your card is completely gone."

"I know. Which means I have a little over three years to get back into the scene." Alice grinned.

At that moment, the two heard Daniel crying through the monitor and Alice got up from the couch. She entered their bedroom and took Daniel into her arms. She bounced him softly and kissed the top of his head, hushing him.

"You don't smell? Are you hungry? You were sleeping so well. Daddy told me so. Or did you just miss your mommy?" Alice whispered.

As Daniel began to calm down, Alice spotted Tom in the doorway, leaning against the frame. He then entered the room and wrapped his arms around Alice's waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. Daniel glanced over the two as Alice placed his pacifier back into his mouth. She began to sing quietly as she and Tom swayed together. After a moment, Alice furrowed her brow hearing Tom join in. She looked over her shoulder at him and smiled brightly as they sang together. She then looked back down at Daniel and chuckled seeing his eyes flutter as he blinked. When Daniel had fallen back asleep, Alice laid him down in the crib. Alice and Tom still sang the song quietly as he tightened his grip around her waist. She placed her hands over his and pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth as the song came to an end.

"Told you. Mama's boy." Tom chuckled.

A few months later, Alice took the night off to attend Tom's play with Diana. They arrived at their seats and Alice sat Daniel in his lap as he looked around the auditorium.

"Are you excited to see daddy's show?" Alice pinched his sides.

Daniel laughed as Alice bounced him on her knee. Minutes before the show began, Tom rushed to his seat and greeted Diana before taking his seat next to Alice. He bent forward and placed a kiss on Daniel's head.

"Are you ready to see the show? See if they took your notes?" Tom beamed.

Daniel placed his hands on Tom's cheek and patted them a few times, babbling. As the show went on, Tom quickly glanced over at Alice and saw a light in her eyes as she kept them glued to the stage. Tom's expression softened as he remembered how her eyes lit up like that when she would return from a good audition or a callback, or every time she bowed after a performance. He remembered how she'd radiate on the stages of the plays she did in the city. Just seeing that light in her eyes reminded him of the opportunities he had taken from her.

After the show, there was a small reception in the lobby. Alice held Daniel in her arms as she and Diana chatted with Tom, complimenting the play and the performances.

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