Chapter 46 - A Dopey Smile

Start from the beginning

I won't let you fall this time, Love.

"I want to brush my teeth first," Bea says as we walk into our loo and I help her over to the counter.

I grab my toothbrush and brush my teeth as well, knowing that we'll be doing quite a bit of snogging in the shower.

Or at least I hope we will. I don't want to push Bea out of her comfort zone.

What the hell am I thinking? She showed me her breast for Christ's sake! Twice! Damn, I miss having them in my mouth. They're so squishy and warm and-

"Harry?" Bea waves her hand in front of my face and I rapidly blink out of my trance. "You okay? You had a dopey smile on your face."

I hum with my toothbrush in my mouth, earning a giggle and we both spit into the sink at the same time. This sweet, minty moment makes us smile and dammit, I just love my wife.

"Okay, I'll turn on the shower if you grab our robes," I offer and she leans up and pecks my lips. "Was that a yes, Mrs. Styles?"

"Yes," she grins.

"Alright, I'll meet you at the shower then," I say, tucking her hair behind her ear and she nods.

"I know you're going to kiss me."

"I was n-, okay, I was," I chuckle and watch my beautiful wife smile as I lean down and kiss her.

At this rate, we won't be dressed until lunch.

"We should shower, Love."

"Yeah, I can't wait to see you naked," she says and her face turns beet red.

And so does mine.

"Did I just say that-"

"Out loud? Yeah, you did," I peck her lips, "but it's okay, Baby."

I wink at my girl and walk over to the shower, loving the tiny squeal she makes.

I've still got it.

My smile drops when I step on the bathmat and I look down. It's not wet, but I remember Bea saying that she accidently went to the bathroom on it after she fell.

My poor wife. I can't imagine.

I roll up the plush grey mat and put it in the trash bin without Bea seeing because the last thing she needs is to be embarrassed again. I walk over to the linen closet to get a towel and I place it beside the bathtub. It will do for now until we get a yellow one with flowers like Bea said she wanted, even though I doubt she'll remember saying that.

As I turn on the shower, I notice something in the tub. Avoiding the steady stream, I reach down and pick up Bea's pink razor.

"How did your razor fall from the caddy, Love?" I ask, noticing her shaving cream on the edge of the bathtub.

"Oh my God, I remember," Bea says and I look at her as she walks over to me.

"You do?" I ask, setting the items back in the caddy.

"Yeah, I was going to shave my legs, and I lost my balance, and oh my God, I slipped and fell."

She gasps, covering her mouth and tears begin to fill her eyes. There's no doubt in my mind that she's reliving that horrible moment of when she fell and I feel sick to my stomach.

"Oh, Love, c'mere," I say, embracing her in a hug. "You're okay. I'm right here," I kiss her head while soothing her back. "I'm so sorry I didn't check on you. Fuck, I'll never forgive myself. I'm so sorry, Bea."

"I was so scared, Harry. I was in so much pain. I cried out for you, but you didn't hear me. I couldn't move, I couldn't yell...I needed you and you weren't there."

Her words stab my heart like a knife and I feel a tear roll down my cheek. It's then I realize that I'm holding her, but she's not holding me. It's the worst fucking pain I've felt in years knowing she thinks that I chose not to help her sooner.

It couldn't be farther from the truth.

"I honestly didn't hear you call for me, Love," I say with tears streaming down my cheeks. "I'm sorry."

I feel her arms wrap around my back and I breathe out my relief, dropping my head to her shoulder. She whispers that she believes me as she holds me tighter and I kiss her shoulder.

"So, you forgive me?" I ask, leaning back and I gently cup her cheeks, drying her tears with my thumbs.

"I can't forgive you because it wasn't your fault," she says and I feel the weight lift off my shoulders, "but if it will help you feel better, I forgive you."

"It does. Thank you," I smile softly, leaning down to kiss her but I stop when I realize something. "Wait a second. Why were you going to shave your legs? You can't bend that way and you don't need to right now."

"I wanted to shave so you wouldn't feel like you're going to bed with a man," she says, closing her eyes and she lays her head on my chest. "I look and feel like a man, Harry."

I have an idea.***

A/N: 10 points and a cookie to those who guess what Harry's idea is. 😏😂

If you want to vote, you can press the star at the bottom left corner. Whenever I get a notif that someone voted, it's like Christmas and St. Patty's Day all wrapped into one for me! Idk why the hell I chose SPD. I'm half I guess I figured it out. I'm tired.

Much Love.

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