Brown Mud, White Snow, Red Blood

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Strangely, that's almost too much.
Part of you still pitied Levi, after everything. You realised long ago that there is something deeply wrong with him, something that makes him genuinely believe that his actions are acceptable.

Yes, he's mad.

But to him, he's as sane as anyone else.

Your throat aches from where he gripped it, you know it'll be bruised soon. Now that he's in Erwin's grip, you step back,  putting some much needed space between the two of you. Your breathing is laboured, your head spinning, though you manage to register the touch of hands on your wrists, raising your hands up.

You look up and realise that Hanji is there. And oh, she has the key. You glance at Erwin restraining Levi, and see that she must have taken it from his pocket.
It's a physical relief when the chains unlock, falling and hitting the ground. You shudder with relief at the noise, and hurry away from them. Passing through the door of your cell feels ridiculously easy, considering the amount of times you fantasised about figuring out how to do it yourself. You're tense as you pass Levi, but he barely even twitches. Has he lost the will to fight? It's hard to believe, and you don't entirely trust it.

Erwin's giving orders to Hanji and Mike, speaking in a commanding tone that washes straight over you, in one ear and out of the other. You're too focused on what this means. Freedom. Sunlight. Peace.

Your chest feels so light that you can barely breathe, and it's all you can do not to bolt for the door and hurry up those stairs to freedom. Hanji takes you by surprise as she takes your arm, but you follow quietly and obediently as she guides you up the stairs. The both of you aren't going fast enough for your liking, and the anticipation mounts within you. Slowly the light grows brighter, and then you see a small slice of the world.

It's only the view beyond the doorway, and outside it's still winter, but it's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. The trees are bare and brown, but sway as a wind stirs their branches. And the ground is white, covered in a faint dusting of snow. Your breath catches in your throat, and suddenly you're running.

Well, as close to running as you can be on your tired legs, weakened from so long in that tiny cell with no exercise. The simple ecstasy of feeling the breeze on your cheek moves you to tears, and they soon begin to cascade down your cheeks. Greedily, you taste the tasteless fresh air surrounding you, you'd never before realised that it was something that could be missed. The new sights, smells and sounds are enough to get you drunk on them, and before you can take any more steps your legs fold, sending you to the ground. It's not unforgiving stone, or a soft mattress, but simply the natural feel of the earth and wetness of snow.

The tears are still falling when you begin to laugh, a keening sound that echoes around the trees ahead of you. After balancing shakily on one knee for a few moments, you stagger to your feet again, and Hanji's hand on your shoulder helps to steady you this time around. You turn towards her, for the first time taking a look at the building and the door that led to your hell.

You're looking at headquarters, though it's off in the distance, evidently a few minutes walk away. The building you were kept under is more of a ruin. It's a half collapsed tower that must have belonged to the main building at some point, and then been forgotten. Forgotten by all but Levi, anyway.

And speaking of which, he finally emerges, Erwin just behind him, holding his arms behind his back.
What happens now?

It's a question you've asked yourself so many times by now.
Levi didn't fight or die after all, but will Erwin kill him for this?
Will he attempt to cure his madness and keep him within the scouts? Can he cure his madness?
Or maybe he'll just imprison him, and keep him away from you and anyone else he could do this to. You don't want to think about that option, you don't have the stomach to think about imprisonment anytime soon.

(Yandere!LeviXReader) Obsession, Possession. Where stories live. Discover now