Misunderstandings of a Boy

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Despite the later than usual start to the day, the rushing around he had to do to get his work done made him tired. He'd even cut his training a little shorter than usual in order to do his paperwork, but it still resulted in him being late to visit her that evening.

She understood. He really was blessed, he'd found someone to love him even when he made little mistakes like that. He was so lucky.

After eating a meal with her, the fatigue from the day finally caught up with him. He tried to resist it, but it happened too quickly, and he fell asleep at the table, cheek pressed against the wooden surface.
Far from comfortable.
But still, he slept deeply enough to dream. And he was so relaxed that his guard lowered, and a dream he didn't get too often managed to fill his mind...


"Levi..?" He heard a calling from his mother's room. Or at least he thought he did. Her voice had been getting weaker these past few weeks, and now it was the softest it had ever been.

His bare feet shuffled against the floorboards, swept remarkably clean considering he'd done them himself, and was at an age where most kids had more important things to do than clean.
The door creaked as he entered the room, and to him, that sound too was muted. He didn't even hear it do it again when he closed it behind himself.

On the other side of the room, his mother lay in bed. She'd managed to prop herself up on her pillow so that she could sit up, but it didn't offer any false illusions that she was getting better. Her face was pale and haggard, her breathing rough. Her jet black hair that used to be so beautiful was now matted and thin. The only thing that hadn't really changed were her eyes. Though dull, they were still remarkably deep, a reflection of his own.
"Levi, come here." She called out to him, and he did as she asked.
"What is it, mom?" He asked in a high voice, slightly twisted with worry. Normally she asked him to stay and play in his room, and not to come into her own. She sighed weakly, which resulted in her coughing roughly.

He was used to that, at least, and quickly fetched the cup of water that had been left at her bedside. Two weeks of care had left him good in these situations, less prone to panic. He helped her drink from it, and tried to ignore the specks of blood her lips left on the rim of the cup. He also tried to ignore the fact that the blood wasn't coming from her lips, but from something inside her.

When she seemed at ease again, or as close to that as she was going to get, she waved the cup away and he put it down, turning to her again a moment after.
"I don't..." She began, and he realised that her voice was thicker due to something more than just the sickness. "I don't have much time left, baby." Even though he was young, he could already begin to tell what she was talking about. He stepped forward and grabbed her hand between his own, but before he could protest she spoke again. "The angels are coming to take me away." She said hoarsely, and finally he found his voice.

"No! No, mom, you can't go with them! You have to stay here with me... You're getting better!" He insisted, though he knew it wasn't true. Her smile was weak, and drew his attention to the tiny dots of crimson on her lips.
"You'll be okay without me, I promise. You're such a brave boy..." It was the tone of voice that made him grasp at her even more desperately, and her free hand rose to cup his cheek tenderly.
"I-I won't be!" He shouted back. "I won't let the angels take you away! They can't." His voice broke at the end and he turned to press his face into her palm, hot tears beginning to roll from his eyes.

Even though she didn't know how much time she had left, she took her time cleaning away those tears.
"I'm afraid I don't have a choice, little man. I can feel I don't have long left." Another cough escaped her, though thankfully this one wasn't as harsh, and she began to get her breath back quickly enough.
"Listen to me, Levi. There's still things I need to say to you."

Deep down, Kuchel Ackerman was terrified. She wasn't ready to die, not really. As inevitable as death was, she'd hoped to be around for longer, to raise her child, see him live a better life away from the godforsaken place known as the underground. Even if she wouldn't see it herself, she'd still do everything in her power to make that life for him a reality. Levi was silent, and she took that as a sign she should continue.

"My brother is coming for you, he'll take care of you. His name is Kenny. Can you remember that? Kenny." She repeated, praying he would. He shook his head.
"I don't want him to. I want you." It was as if he thought pleading enough would keep her from going. She smiled faintly again, and kept talking whilst she still could.
"All the money I have is kept under the bed. Take good care of it, use it to look after yourself until he gets here." It wasn't much at all, but with all of the clients she'd missed recently thanks to her illness, it was the best she could do.
"And... If any of the men mom sees come here, don't answer the door." They'd all stopped coming now that they knew she was ill, they didn't want to risk catching it themselves, but one or two might crop up in a few weeks time to see if she was better. Men could be cruel, and she didn't want her son to experience part of the hardship she had suffered. Her brave little boy nodded, and she stroked his hair.

"I'm so proud of you." She said softly, wishing that it didn't have to be like this. Finally tears began to prick at her eyes too, the weight of what was to come settling on her chest. "Levi, promise me you'll do your best to have a better life." She asked as he raised his hand and pressed his palm against the back of her hand. By now she knew he'd come to accept it, at least enough to sit and listen to what would be some of her final words. His wide eyes focused intently on her, and part of her knew that whatever she said, he would remember for the rest of his life.
"You need to leave this place. This isn't the life I wanted for you." The first tear spilled from her eyelid, and the bitter lump in her throats made it hard for her to talk. "Make friends, and find a living for yourself above ground. I know you can do it, baby, you're too good for this kind of life." She'd lived and would die without ever setting foot on the surface of the earth, and it was her biggest regret. "Live with no regrets, okay? Some day you'll even meet a beautiful woman and start a family with her." Now she was just projecting her own dreams onto him, and praying he'd be able to be happy.

"Make sure you keep her safe, when the time comes. Don't let anyone hurt her or your family." She took his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze to emphasise her point. He swallowed back his tears and agreed.
"I promise, mom. I'll be safe and make you happy, I won't ever let anyone hurt me or my family again, I won't let anything bad happen." Perhaps he was only saying what she wanted to hear to please her, but it worked. She relaxed and half slumped back against her pillows.
"I love you so much, Levi." She tilted her head as she spoke, her eyes welling up with love. "Always remember your promise. Be happy and keep the ones you love safe from harm. Without them, you'll find life is hardly worth living."

Little did she know those words really would stay with him forever, lodged in his mind until he could think of nothing else. One day, what she wished for would come true. Levi would meet the woman he loved more than anything, and remember his promise.

And he'd do whatever it took to keep her safe. No one could hurt her, no one could take her...
Not until the angels, anyway, like they had when it was his mother's time to leave him.


When he woke a couple of hours later, (Y/N) was gone.

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