New Beginning

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For the first time, he stays in the room all night. You wake with your head leaning against his bare chest, feeling it rise and fall as he breathes. It sounds like he's still asleep, and slowly you sit up, your long hair spilling past your shoulders and across your chest.

The peaceful bliss that often accompanies waking is soon disturbed by the dull ache between your legs. It almost feels like a cramp, and you smile grimly as you touch your hands to your stomach. You can't see it right now, since your lower half is beneath the covers, but you know there'll be the faintest smear of blood on your thighs, perhaps the sheets too. Proof of what happened last night.

That pain is nothing compared to the pounding in your head that suddenly flares to life, a result of the wine last night. You've never had a hangover before, and you realise just how lucky you've been so far. Next your hand raises to your head, winding through your hair as you sigh softly and shut your eyes. You wish you could have a bath more than anything else right then. To simply lie in warm, fragrant water and relax seems like your idea of heaven. But you know that won't happen, and stop yourself thinking about it too much, else you'll only grow disappointed.

As you're lost in thought, you suddenly feel a cool touch on your shoulder, and jump only the slightest bit before you realise who it is. You look over your shoulder with a smile, and Levi begins to sit up, his arm slipping around your shoulders. He seems so much more relaxed than usual now. And naked, with his eyes tired and hair messy from sleep, he doesn't look like a threat at all.
"Good morning, Levi." You smile and say, touching your forehead against his once he's close enough.
"Morning, (Y/N)." He replies softly, then he seems to start a little, pulling back and staring at you. "Are you okay?" It's spoken with a little urgency, he too must be recalling what happened last night.

You're glad you weren't drunk enough to forget it. That would be a shame. You couldn't give yourself to him in love, but it was impossible to deny that a passion had filled you too. Perhaps it was your body's natural response, but you hadn't expected it to feel like that. You'd expected more pain, and instead you'd experienced more pleasure. In the end, it wasn't even an act. For a few moments, whilst you were riding the high of your climax, you truly did love the man before you. So now you chuckle softly, placing your hand on his cheek and caressing it before you lean in.
"I'm perfect." You reassure, kissing him softly on the lips to prove your point. He returns the kiss, though you pull away before it can deepen. After staring into your eyes for a moment, his gaze drifts and you find yourself blushing as you realise you're still naked. Of course he's seen it all the night before, there's nothing you need to hide, but nerves get to you anyway.

It's his turn to chuckle, and he kisses you on the forehead before averting his gaze and getting out of bed. He keeps his back to you to give you both a little privacy, though you can't help staring at his toned back until he begins to pull his clothes on, hiding it from view. Following his lead, you rise from bed and cross the room to pull on a fresh change of clothes, feeling a little better, though you know that once he's gone you'll be taking them off all over again to wash.
"Thank you for staying the night." You call across to him, and you turn to face each other again, this time dressed. "It gets lonely down here." You comment, doing up the last button of your shirt as you make your way over to him.
"It's no problem." When you're close enough he tilts his head back and kisses you briefly. "I'll go and get you some breakfast now. Later we'll talk some more." You nod in agreement, smiling as if you haven't a problem in the world.
"Okay, I'll see you soon." Then your smile becomes somewhat playful. "I love you." You call after him in a singsong voice, he's already crossing the cell. He smiles back faintly and nods.
"I love you too." He still locks the cell door behind him, and then the door leaving the basement, but it doesn't fill you with the sense of despair that it once did. Soon enough there'll be a day when you're above ground again and free, and won't need to feel so trapped ever again.

And there's one bright spot now; the cuffs are gone. At some point during the night of passion, they must've gotten in his way, for the next thing you knew he was searching through his clothes to retrieve a small key, which finally released your wrist from its constraints. And it showed you where he keeps the keys, or at least that one.

There are three separate keys. The smallest unlocks the cuffs, a larger one unlocks the cell door, and the largest of the three must unlock the door at the top of the stairs. The cuff and cell door keys you know he keeps on his person, but you think that when he's down here, he's started leaving the door key hanging by the top of the stairs. If only you'd seen it when you made your first escape attempt. Then again, maybe he hadn't started putting it there before then. The problem before was that even if you overpowered Levi in the cell, and gained the keys for the cell door, the chains would still be present, and too short to allow you to reach the last door.

But now that you know where he keeps the keys to the cuffs... it's worth a shot. Hell, maybe he'll trust you even more than you think and never put them on you again, making it even easier for you to escape.

He brings down breakfast in a hurry, saying it's later than he thought, and he has plenty of work to do. He tells you he might be late coming down that night, but you simply smile and kiss his cheek and tell him that you'll wait. As if you have any other choice.

It gives you plenty of time to think about how to proceed, though. If a night like last night were to happen again, perhaps you should wait for him to sleep, and then sneak out of bed, find the keys, and leave as quietly as possible... Even if that means there's the chance he'll wake up and pursue, you know you'll only need a few minutes head start. Given that, you'll be long gone, and then you'll...

You hesitate. It's not the first time that you've realised you don't know what happens next. The options are numerous, and downsides to each one.

If you escape, you could go home. Start a new life, but live in constant fear that Levi will catch up to you and repeat what's happening now. And considering how angry just an attempt at escape made him, you don't want to imagine what the real thing will do to him.
You could always get to the base and tell Erwin. You're sure you're still close to it, and he would have to protect you, right? Unless... Levi, despite his recent madness, he's still a valuable member of the survey corps. Erwin is notorious for doing whatever it takes to save humanity, including sacrificing people. If he weighs the value of your freedom against the need for Levi to continue as normal, you're not sure that you'll win. Even if Erwin takes your side, what then?
Levi goes to a similar prison to yours in order to punish him. Either that, or he's killed.

And despite everything, you don't want to do that. Any escape attempt would be a hundred times easier if you were able to kill him. He couldn't give chase, couldn't try again, couldn't come and find you. But you won't allow yourself to consider it. He's mad, dangerous and frightening sometimes, but you remember how he's been before.
He was always considerate, and as far as you know, you're the only one that has seen the darkness lurking within his eyes. It wouldn't be fair to kill him, not when you recall the bond you used to have.

He's your captor, but in a way he's as much of a prisoner as you, unable to escape the intensity of his feelings for you.
But you have to get out regardless. You can't fix Levi, not when you're the cause of his illness. It has to be handled by others. When you're out, you'll...

You decide to wait and see. First you should think about escape, and worry about what comes afterwards when it comes. To escape, you need him to trust you, you can't let him see what you're really up to, especially when he's already so suspicious of it.

After seeing how he responded to last night, you know you're on the right track. Love is what he wants, and when it's given to him, he's thankful enough to trust you a little. You know that sex isn't all there is to love, but that too seems to be a useful way of earning his trust, perhaps because it's so intimate. You don't want to fall into a repetitive pattern that he'll grow used to, but for now you think it's your best shot.

When he comes down in the evening, you'll be ready. It might only be a small step of progress, but you're feeling hopeful. For the first time you truly think that the end is drawing near.

You don't want to tempt fate; but you think that it has to work.

It has to.

(Yandere!LeviXReader) Obsession, Possession. Where stories live. Discover now