Thoughts of a Deluded Man

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Just when he'd begun to worry his plan was having an opposite to the intended effect, she started to change.

At first he thought it was his imagination seizing on whatever trivial acts of kindness she performed, but eventually he came to see that it wasn't just his wishful thinking. Finally, she was like how she used to be. Smiling around him, talking properly to him, and her manners had drastically improved.

Compared to how she'd initially been, it was such a relief. Sometimes he worried that he'd do or say a wrong thing and she'd be sullen again, but that didn't seem to happen.

Before another week had passed he was content again with how things were. He felt a little proud every time he walked inside to see her waiting for him. After all the adjustments she'd needed, she was now used to it and apparently stopped fighting.

It crossed his mind only once that it was fake, when he noticed what might have been a strained edge to her voice. Anger or tiredness? Disdain or boredom?
It was that that kept him from getting too friendly too quickly. If that was her game, he wasn't going to be made a fool of.

But women didn't do that, did they? Especially one like her. (Y/N) had always respected other people, enough that he wouldn't believe she could manipulate someone just to get her way. He supposed he'd find out eventually. If this was all just a charade, it'd be blown the moment she took advantage of it and tried to run.

And so in the coming days, he kept his guard up more than ever, just in case. However comfortable she seemed in his presence, he made sure not to get too close to her. And however happy she seemed, he made sure not to turn his back on her, or forget to lock the door.

But despite his worries... Things were better than ever.
For a little while he'd wondered if he'd break her down in the darkness. She was a fragile thing, and he didn't want to be a cruel master.
He'd had dreams too, that people had discovered he was keeping her, and they'd tried to take her. They hammered on the door to the basement, and he had to kill her before they could reach her. So he'd wrapped the chains around her throat and tightened them and twisted and pulled and pulled and pulled until...

"Levi?" He snapped out of his thoughts and stared across at her face. He'd been unaware he'd been spacing out, but was quick enough to smile to make it seem like nothing.
"Sorry, I was just thinking." Despite the smile, he was unsettled, and took his leave earlier than usual that day. "I'll see you tomorrow."

He left the parting words he'd really like to say unsaid.

I love you.

(Yandere!LeviXReader) Obsession, Possession. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora