Thoughts of an Impulsive Man

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Wow, he'd never known his heart could beat so quickly. It was a drum in his chest, and pounded in his ears.

He'd nearly given himself away. Gotten carried away and too excited, almost ruined it then and there. But she was trusting and naïve when it concerned her friends. That had been her downfall...

He almost chuckled, wondering if he'd made that pun intentionally. She looked rather cute there, collapsed onto the bed. He was tempted to continue their kiss, but the first one hadn't exactly counted.

Dirty and messy and forced. It disgusted him. He hoped it didn't disgust her too much. She'd understand it had been necessary. She wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for that disgusting contact of theirs.
As tempting as it was to rectify his error and treat her more gently, he denied himself the temptation.

The whole point was to change her mind, to make her love him so much that she'd always be by his side. That wouldn't be achieved by an unremembered kiss. He wouldn't force it on her, she'd come to realise it in her own time.

They were meant to be.

His first obstacle had been Daniel, who'd removed himself. But walls could be rebuilt, and any day someone could take his place. He had to move quickly.
When it was just them, when he'd eliminated any other possibilities...
She'd just have to fall in love with him.

He touched her soft hair and brushed it out of her face.
'I never planned it this way'
He muttered it to the silent room, and the echo that came back was distinct,

Ignoring that, he got to his feet.
He had less than an hour until headquarters would start to come alive with the energy of waking people and fill up. That should be enough time to get her to her new home.

Luckily, she'd already packed for it.

(Yandere!LeviXReader) Obsession, Possession. Where stories live. Discover now