Thoughts of a Derranged Man

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She didn't understand yet, that much was obvious. The way she pleaded to be let out, the frantic way she looked around the room, perhaps she was plotting an escape already.

But he knew there was no way out, and it was better to let her figure that out herself. As soon as that was out of the way, she'd be forced to focus on other things. And of course, the only thing she could be focused on down there was him.

He should have done this sooner, taken her away from the others. This leave of absence excuse was golden. All he had to do now was write a letter to her family saying she'd been lost beyond the walls, and they wouldn't expect to see her again. Then when she didn't arrive after a month, the scouts would have to assume she'd decided to leave.

Him and Daniel aside, he didn't think anyone else was close enough to her to be a problem.

Trapped down there in the dark, she'd be like a plant straining to grow towards the light. And as her only visitor, of course he'd be that light. It would be impossible not to love him after all the time they would be spending together from now on. Even if it took a month or two, she'd soon forget even the colour of the sky.

He could barely sleep for anticipation. He longed to set up a bed down there for himself, but that would be too suspicious, he couldn't make it seem like he was spending too much time elsewhere.

So he'd left her down there alone for the first night. He'd taken the lantern, and hadn't bothered leaving her any food. After the way she'd shouted, she obviously needed some discipline.

Pain was the most effective method, he'd found, but he didn't want to hurt her either. So he figured that a night in the cell, cold and alone and hungry, when she saw him the next morning she wouldn't help but feel relief. He'd be her temporary salvation, and not her captor.

She was so cute, even when she was mad.
She'd be even cuter when she was thanking him.

Oh, they were going to have so much fun together.

(Yandere!LeviXReader) Obsession, Possession. Where stories live. Discover now