Thoughts of a Jealous Man

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It was going perfectly. Oh so perfectly, and then that guy just had to show up and take her.
It's the only way to do it, to be nice to her until she finally realises for herself. Be Mr. Nice Guy, it should be easy.
And then he fucking turns up and ruins it! Sets it back two steps when they'd only progressed one.
It was tempting to do something to him, to get him out of the picture...

But he couldn't. As irritating as the guy was, he seemed to be good at staying alive, and someone she needed in her life. He wouldn't take that away from her, knowing how hard it was to lose a friend.

So he couldn't kill the bastard, but there was no way to get rid of him and keep her on his good side.

He'd have to find another way...

(Yandere!LeviXReader) Obsession, Possession. Where stories live. Discover now