No Choice, a Lot of Regrets

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The next morning, you rise before the sun and set about packing your things. You're not in any huge rush, but it would be ideal if you could be gone by midday. You'll head home, you decide. You're always getting letters from your parents asking you to come and visit, so it would be nice to surprise them, you think. You take everything you'll need from the small room you've been given, clothes and the few other impractical possessions you have. But most you leave behind. Something tells you that there's no point taking them, that you'll be coming back soon.

A knock at the door makes you pause, and you call out hesitantly.
"Come in." The door opens and Levi pushes his way inside, carefully balancing a tray in one hand.
"I thought I'd bring you breakfast."
"You didn't have to." You smile weakly, he really does care, even if he doesn't often show it. "I'd have gone to the mess hall."
"Ah, this saves you the bother. And it's better than being packed in with a group of messy brats."

Despite the circumstances, you chuckle.
"Levi, it's still early. I doubt there's anyone even out of bed yet. Except for you." He smiles faintly and makes his way over to your bed, placing the tray down on the bedside table, since there was nowhere else to put it. He pats the space beside him and after closing up your bag, you sit next to him and take the plate he offers you. Bacon and egg... Starting to get cold, but still a nice meal to start off the day.
"Thirsty?" He asks, and reaches for the teapot on the tray. Despite only bringing you breakfast, there's two cups and enough tea for both of you.
"Yeah, a little." You nod, and he pours out the tea into both cups, leaving them on the tray to cool.
"Where are you going to go?" He asks next and looks at you with vague interest.
"Home, I think. I haven't sent word, I think it'll be nice to surprise my parents." He smiles and nods, picking his cup up by the rim and taking a small sip.
"You'll be okay by yourself? The roads aren't always safe for a girl alone." You're sure that's a joke, and smile in return.
"You say that like I'm some silly teenager. You know I can handle myself." He nods again and puts the cup aside, looking down and murmuring under his breath in a voice you barely hear.
"I'll miss you."
"Don't worry." You reassure. You know how he's feeling, how he probably misses Daniel too, and having you go as well will rob him of a friend for a little while. "I'll be back soon. And some time off will be nice, I'll have to go to Daniel's family and explain..." You trail off and sigh, and just as he did on the rooftop, he brushes his hand against yours.

"You were really close to that guy, weren't you?" The question comes out of nowhere, but there's only one way to answer.
"Yeah, we were friends ever since we started training together. I knocked him on his ass, he called me cool, and we were doomed to be friends." If you didn't chuckle at that, you'd probably start to cry at the memory.
"Do you ever wish you hadn't met him?"
"What?" If the first question was a shock, his second comes as a blow. He stares across at you blankly, tilting his head.
"If you'd never met him, you wouldn't have to leave right now. You wouldn't be missing him."

You sit in a dumbfounded silence as you stare back, your hands automatically moving to take the plate from your lap and put it on the bed before it tumbles to the ground.
"What?" You repeat, and shake your head. "N-no. I'm glad I knew him. He was my friend... I'd have... I couldn't have been without him."
"And now you'll have to be." Levi's answer comes quickly, something has changed in his tone and his hand lingers against yours. You tense, put on edge by this shift in him that you've never seen before,
"I... I know. I'll..." What, you don't know. You have no idea what to say, and Levi takes your silence as a cue that you're not going to continue.
"Don't worry." He says softly, though his voice is like ice. Smooth, but fearsomely cold. "You'll have me."

If he'd said that yesterday, it would have sounded comforting. Now, you shiver as if it's a kind of threat. You get to your feet quickly, and his blank look quickly dissolved into something almost pitiful, and he withdrew his hand suddenly.
"I-I'm sorry." He says, and that makes your worry disappear straight away. You've never heard him stammer before, but it makes sense. He cares about Daniel too, he's just got a different way of showing it. He's dealing with his loss in his own way. You sigh as you look down on him,
"It's... It's okay." You try and smile, but it must look a terrible thing.
"I didn't mean to. I was just..." He sighs, but the fact that he stays on the bed helps to relax you, you don't think you would've stayed calm if he got near again.
"It's fine." You repeat a little more firmly, and stoop to pick up your bag. You've got what you need, so perhaps it would be a good idea to just leave it there. So you turn towards the door, stepping towards it before he can suggest anything else crazy.
"Wait, (y/n), I have something to give you." He suddenly calls out, and curiosity gets the better of you. You look over your shoulder and see him stand up. He's pulled a small bottle from one of his pockets, opens it up, and tips the liquid into his mouth.
"What's that, Levi..?" You wrinkle your brow in confusion as you ask, but he doesn't answer, his mouth full of the liquid.

He steps towards you more quickly than you would've believed, reaching up and winding his fingers through your hair as he pulls you down... And kisses you on the lips. Caught off guard, you go rigid, and he takes the chance to act.
Whatever the liquid in his mouth is, the intrusion of his tongue makes your lips part and the warm liquid enters your mouth. The taste is sweet enough to be cloying, making your eyes swim, or maybe that's due to the surprise of his actions.

The whole process is over in less than a handful of seconds, and his hand is on your chin, then your neck, forcing you to swallow or choke. Some of whatever it is still rolls down your chin, but soon enough you've swallowed perhaps half of it. Coughing, you raise your hands to push him away.
"What the hell was that?" You touch your chin and glare at him as you wipe it clean. Apart from the sickeningly sweet smell, it feels like water, and you would've thought it to be perfume if he hadn't forced it down your throat.
"I said I had a gift for you." He replies simply and closes the distance between you. You step back and come up against the door, shaking your head.
"I don't want any of your gifts." Whatever the hell is wrong with him, it's probably best not to be near. You turn your back on him and tug the door open, but before you can step outside you stagger.

Feeling intoxicated, you away and use the door as support, clutching at your chest with one hand.
"Levi..? Did you... You..." Your tongue is thick and your mouth won't form the words you want, but he must understand. A smile starts to grow on his face, and he guides you back into the room, shutting the door again.
"It's my present. I'm going to help you decide what to do next."
"Decide... Next?" You can only repeat what he's saying, and sit heavily on your bed again. This dizzy spell, caused by the drug, you have to fight it. But your legs won't respond anymore, and the urge to sleep becomes a whirlpool that drags you down.
"You're welcome." He replies softly, and touches your hand. "It'll all be so much easier soon, you'll see. Trust me."

As if that's possible, you want to say. You also want to scream and protest, to signal for help, but it's too far gone for that now.

Whatever happens to you next is in the hands of this man. This strong... Lonely...

(Yandere!LeviXReader) Obsession, Possession. Where stories live. Discover now