A Caged Bird

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When you wake, you're in no place that you recognise.
Of course, right now you wouldn't even recognise your own bedroom. Your vision is blurred and dim, like you're trying to look at your surroundings through a layer of warped and tinted glass. There isn't much light here either, you can just sense that.
There's a constant dripping noise nearby, something that annoys you, even in your current state. And there's a chill in the air that makes you shiver, the most alert movement you've made so far.

Your body still feels strange, incredibly weighed down by the after effects of...
The drug!

You try to gasp, but the intake of breath is soft. You're lying down on something, you can finally make out the feeling of what must be a bed beneath you. Despite the comfort it offers, adrenaline begins to course through body and blows the cobwebs out of your mind and the relaxation turns to alertness.
"Levi!" You shout, remembering the events that occurred before you blacked out. He... He... Kissed you, didn't he? Your sleep was fitful, but you're sure that part wasn't a dream. And he forced something down your throat. What the hell was that? Luckily, the sickeningly sweet taste of it is long gone.

Come to think of it, your throat is quite dry, and you're starting to feel hungry. How long have you been here?

It might not be a good idea to shout so loudly, not until you've made sense of what's going on. And the best way to do that is to get away from this place. Movement comes to you slowly, piece by piece. Your toes curl first, then your knees start to bend, and finally you're turning to sit up on the bed and drape your legs over the side. When you stand and your feet touch the ground, you gasp.

The floor beneath your feet is cold, and you feel the full force of it due to the lack of your boots. You try to remember if you put them on earlier... Surely you did, you were about to leave, you must have put on your boots. So where are they? Did... Did Levi take them off? You chuckle dryly, that's just like him. Whatever else is going on, only he would take off your boots to avoid them dirtying the bed. Considerate even when he's...

Why is that the word that comes to mind first? Sure, his behaviour was a little odd earlier, but this is Levi, he wouldn't hurt you, and he's definitely not mad. He's so good at repressing feelings, you know, at sorting then out and showing them only at appropriate times. He's not impulsive... So what the hell is this?

You're getting distracted again, you can think about this later. For now you need to get out of this place, wherever it is. Your eyes are finally accustomed to the dimness, and you start to stumble across the cold stone floor, deciding not to waste time blindly groping for your boots that may or may not be there. The room you're in is larger than your bedroom, though the lack of light makes the whole place feel horribly closed in. It'll be a relief to get out into the open again, you think. As you turn your head to start picking out details of the room, you pause when you see...
"N-no, that can't be." you say to yourself, raising a hand to your chest and holding onto your shirt in a nervous gesture. But the question was pointless, asking it can't alter the truth of what's in front of you...

The iron bars sever the room in two, a sharp straight line that cuts it almost in half. On the other side of the bars, you can see the doorway, the open door offers you a view of stairs, extending upwards. So you're underground..? If you're still at headquarters, this must be one of the containment basements you heard they had... But no one even uses them any more. Apparently they were something to do with whatever the building was before, and now they're pointless and unused. Unused and... Hidden away.
"Levi!" this shout is more frantic. If anyone knows where you are, it has to be him, he has to be the one that brought you to this cold place.

The silence echoes around you and you turn to check there isn't some other way out, turning your head this way and that as you pick shapes out of the gloom. The bed you were lying on, a chair, a table. The wall juts out in one place, where there must be a fireplace. Some distant part of you is already considering that as an escape route, though you aren't desperate enough to test it out yet. The furniture is minimal, and that just makes it more apparent that the only way out is beyond those bars. You step closer to them to give them a closer look, perhaps they're old enough to be loose, somehow, or you can figure out how to bump the lock...

The sound of footsteps makes you freeze, the unmistakeable sound of boots on stone (why do they get boots and you don't?) fills the air, the echoing sound makes it more obvious they're getting closer. For some reason it spooks you, and you retreat towards the bed again, feeling the low mattress knock against the back of your knees. You seem to wait there for eternity, but finally someone enters the room, bringing with them a circle of light that emits from what must be a lantern, though that light shrouds their face in shadow.
"So you finally woke up?" The voice is strange, but still recognisable.
"Levi!" he lowers the lantern and his face is revealed, though his expression is flat and dull. "What am I doing in here? Get me out." whatever made him bring you here is forgotten for the moment, and you rush to the bars that divide you from him. Gripping onto them tightly, you peer at him between two of them.
"I can't do that, (y/n)."

"What..? Hey, let me out." You try to make your voice sound firmer, but his expression, or lack of it, doesn't change. It sends a chill through your body. You wouldn't have believed it before, but does he actually have some sort of ill intent. "What am I doing in here?" You try again as soon as it seems like you're not getting a response.
"I can't." He repeats, and shakes his head. "You'd leave, wouldn't you?"
"O-of course I would!" His question takes you aback, what the hell does he expect you to say? "Levi, you know that. I'm on leave, I'm going home..."
"I'll lose you." his voice is flat, yet reminds you of a whirlpool, sucking everything into it. Bit by bit, you come to the realisation that he doesn't plan on getting you out of here.
"You won't! It's only for a month! I'll be coming back soon." You point out, gripping onto the bars so tightly that the cold metal starts to numb your hands. He sighed heavily and turns away. For a moment you fear he means to leave, but he only hangs the lantern he's holding up by the door and begins to approach you.
"I'll still lose you." He states as if he's certain of it, "Daniel died. That could've easily been you. It's so easy to lose people." Your heart clenches at the memory of your other friend, but if you're overcome with grief now you know it won't help, so you push it down.
"I'm not... I wouldn't..." Shaking his head, he steps up to the bars and puts his hand over yours. The gesture is usually comforting between the two of you, but now it makes you pull away and exclaim, "This isn't any better! You can't just keep me down here!"
"Oh, (y/n), I knew that. I never meant to do this. Sure, it's convenient, no one ever comes down here. This place is a perfect cage. But I know you belong in the sunlight. I just hope you'll forgive me for this." Shivering at that particular word, you take a step backward, mouth hanging open in shock.

"Cage?! I'm not some wild animal, and you can't do this! Let me out!" You almost stamp your foot, but perhaps that would be too childish in this situation. And what's with his tone? He's making it sound like you'll never be out of this place. But people will look, won't they?
"No." His face darkens and breaks you from your train of thought. "Not when you're like this, you'd walk away from me, and I'd end up hurting you if I tried to get you back here."
"Levi, this is crazy. I promise I won't tell anyone if you let me out now. No-one even knows I'm missing, do they? I'll go home, like I meant to." Sighing, he takes a step back and remains silent for a while. Your hope builds, you assume the silence is him considering it. So when the answer comes, it hits you like a blow.
"And when you don't return, they'll assume you decided to stay out of the scouts from now on, and get a more normal job... No one will look for you." For the first time in your life you see a smirk cross his lips, and he tilts his head. "Perfect." Now he sounds like he's talking to himself. "I'll have all the time in the world, so it'll definitely work."
"What will definitely work, Levi?" You don't like the tone his voice has taken on, and will try anything to make him more normal again. This can't be Levi, this has to be some repressed emotion. Perhaps the sorrow over Daniel's death, manifested in a strange way. He needs help... You tell yourself to stay calm.
"I never thought it would actually happen... You were always so busy. With work, with Daniel, you're so caring."
"What did you think wouldn't happen?" Your tone gets a little desperate as you move closer again, and the proximity means you can see his face clearly. What you see shocks you to the core. It's as if his whole life he's been wearing a mask, and now all you can see is the look of a wild animal... Prey that's been hunted and frightened until it's backed into a corner. His look is twisted belong normality, and also one of the saddest things you've ever seen. His next words smash that pity building in you, plunging into a type of fear that feels like an icy tide submerging you.

"Now that I've got you all to myself, with no distractions, you'll finally love me."

(Yandere!LeviXReader) Obsession, Possession. Where stories live. Discover now