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Levi comes downstairs, and you smile once he opens the door.
"Good evening." You call across the room, the greeting returned by him, though clearly he's distracted by the tray in his arms. He's carrying a teapot and cups, you know he likes to sit and have a drink with you. It almost makes you laugh with how normal it is, how it makes you both look like an old married couple.

When he's inside the cell you take a seat at the table, by now you don't even hear the chains as they rattle when you move. He sits across from you and pours out the tea, you pick up the cup and take a sip.

A jolt passes through you then, all warmth leeching rapidly from your body. What the hell?

He notices your look.
"(Y/N)..? What's wrong?"

What. The. Hell.


Today your smile was automatic. You weren't playing along with what Levi wants, you smiled because you genuinely felt pleased to see him. Part of you insists it's the lack of other company that makes him so appealing, but a tiny dark voice within you suggests something more.
You came to him willingly and without hesitation, sitting yourself down for a merry little tea party like nothing was wrong. You have a cup of hot water in your hands, and you haven't yet contemplated slinging it across the table, soaking him with water and shattering the porcelain.

He's still staring at you, and thankfully it makes you come to your senses quickly.
"Nothing." You smiled weakly and place the cup down. "I-it's hot, I burned my tongue." You make it up quickly, making your smile more apologetic and taking a deep breath. Even if he's skeptical he doesn't show it, he just nods.
"Be more careful next time." Nodding in agreement, you leave the conversation there.

Moments later you're composed enough to pick it up again, but you start on a completely different topic instead.
"How's everything going up there? Is there another expedition soon?" It's not something you've asked before, but you've all but exhausted the safer topics of conversation down here.
"If he can get the funding for it, Erwin plans to do one just as soon as winter is over."

You've lost track of exactly how long you've spent down here, and tilt your head as you try to come up with an estimate. It was late summer when you were brought down here, and you've been imprisoned for... two, three months? It doesn't sound so long when given a value like that, but in the dark and quiet, seconds stretch out for an atrociously long time. You could've spent a year down here already, and wouldn't be surprised.
"I see. I can imagine he's eager to get out there again." What will Levi do, you wonder, when he leaves on that expedition? If you're still here, how could he possibly hope to take care of you? But you know that's a topic you can't touch on. Not yet.
"He is." His answer is short, clipped. You realise your mistake quickly. Levi's a possessive one, jealous too, so it's probably best not to mention other men.
"And how is my old squad doing?" You ask quickly, hoping to stop him brooding over that.
"They didn't like you leaving, but they're used to it by now. Lisa was promoted a couple of weeks ago." Normally he doesn't talk much about life in the scouts, so hearing details now, however limited, is like a breath of fresh air after being underwater for an age.
"I knew she'd do well, she might even be better than I was at that age." A soft smile, a genuine one, builds on your face. "And how about your squad? Do they still bicker like children?" The corners of his lips twitch in what might be amusement, and he nods.
"I don't spend much time with them these days, but yes, they're as competitive as ever."

You can recall fondly the memories of Petra, Erd and the others. Despite being adults, they fight like a group of close teenagers, so much of their relationship built on mocking humour. It used to annoy the hell out of you, but these days you yearned to hear people interacting like that again. After taking a sip of tea to hide your expression, you continue,
"Does Petra still want to marry you?" You ask, surprised by the cheeky tone in your voice that comes from nowhere. It's no secret that she idolises Levi, though since she's young, even younger than you, you're convinced she's simply gotten admiration mixed up with love.

He doesn't seem amused any more, but he does smile politely. "I'm sure she does. I don't know why, I don't give her any reason."

"Just being in front of her gives her a reason." You comment, before pausing. What you've just said... It's an opportunity and you seize on it. Lifting a hand, you push your hair behind your ear and smile somewhat sheepishly. "I mean... You're handsome, and a lot of girls judge on looks alone. You make nice tea and you're always clean." You toy with the teacup with your spare hand, lifting your gaze to meet his.

And you swear you feel your heart swell thanks to the look on his face. He looks surprised, shocked, pleased. Like a child who's just found a bag of sweets, but worried they'll be taken away from him. You could pursue the chance further, but decide not to push too suddenly. So you let out a chuckle instead, breaking eye contact.
"Sorry, that was probably..."

Levi reaches forwards, and lays his hand on your own. The whole touch is awkward, like he's a nervous teenager that's never been so close to a girl before, and it's unexpected enough to make you quiet. This is it, a moment you've been looking for, a chance to act like you've changed the way you see him. Slowly you lift your hand, and he doesn't resist as you slip your fingers down between his own. Palm to palm, you silently hold hands for a few racing heartbeats, and then you make yourself let go.
"S-sorry." It's easy to stutter, and you rest your hands on your lap. "I wasn't thinking. I just wanted to..."
"That was nice." He says, his voice gentler than it's been in a while. You meet his gaze for a fleeting moment, but the look in his eyes makes you quickly look away. If you were to take his hand again, you know he wouldn't pull away. If you were to lean in and try something more, you don't think he'd pull away then either.

Tempting as it is to try it, you don't want to do too much too soon. Love, as far as you're concerned, comes slowly. Doing too much too soon would worsen the situation, perhaps make you less worthy of respect in his eyes. You stand up and step back, before turning away and heading for your bed.
"Goodnight, Levi." It's your way of suggesting he leaves, right now you don't want to be where anyone else can see you. You hear him rise too, and even take a few steps towards you. You begin to tense, but soon enough he's halted, and then retreating as he crosses the room again.

He doesn't say goodbye, but you're hoping he felt something in that moment. Hopefully when he's in bed, he'll replay that moment, tossing and turning and convincing himself that it was real, that it meant something.

You'll have to wait until tomorrow to see if your gamble was worthwhile, but you're filled with a spark of hope. He doesn't have to trust you completely, he doesn't have to believe you're his. He just... Has to believe that it could happen.

Temptation and hope could be the cruelest things in the world, but your captor is tough, so you think he'll take that chance.

(Yandere!LeviXReader) Obsession, Possession. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora