Thoughts of an Irrational Man

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That stupid woman! He'd done his best, always providing for her, spending his time with her. He'd bring her books and wash her clothes and prepare her food like she was a lady and he her humble servant.

And that was okay.

That was what love was, the willingness to take care of someone else's needs. He didn't mind doing that for her, and he never would.

And this was how he was repaid?!

When the door had slammed into him, it had been the shock more than the impact that made him halt for a fleeting second. She'd been so nice, smiling and replying in a friendly manner, he'd started to believe that...

He sprinted after her with long steps and a deep frown set in his features. He could hear himself shouting, even though it wasn't necessary. He knew for a fact the door at the top of the stairs was locked, the key nestled in his pocket. As he climbed the stairs he made himself slow. There was no way anyone would hear her and she'd never get through that door in only a few seconds, so he slowed by a margin to watch her frantic efforts.

Her hair whipped through the air as she thrashed and screamed and shook the door, but it was unyielding. He stopped and she turned to him, her eyes wide with fear.
"I'm sorry!" She screamed as she pressed her back against the door, as if willing it to swallow her up. He took a step towards her and said nothing.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!"

So this was what she was repeating now. What, trying to appeal to his human side? She knew she'd lost, and if he were a worse kind of person he really could've punished her for even trying.

Her efforts to raise her hands and stop him were futile, he stepped past her reach and seized her by the hair, hearing another shriek of terror.
"I give you everything you could need, and yet you try to run away?" His voice was flat, emotionless as he heard a single harsh sob.
"I ask for one thing in return, and I don't plan on giving up on it now. I make the rules, little girl."

Marching her back down the stairs was easy, she'd gone limp like she thought that would make him think she was complying. He didn't loosen his grip, he didn't want her getting any ideas.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She repeated again, and he wondered if she could even register what he was saying right now.

Tossing her into the cell was even easier, and he slammed the door shut behind him as he let go of her hair.
"Look at me." He ordered in a stern tone, and he was met by a pair of frightened eyes. He stared for a long moment, fixing her in his gaze before he raised his hand and watched her flinch. Then he uttered the words that were to be the last thing she heard before darkness took her over.

"Whatever it takes, whatever I have to do, you'll learn to love me." He promised, before bringing his fist down into just the right spot on her skull and forcing her into unconsciousness. 

He stood by the bed once he'd gotten her onto it, his anger subsiding as he stared down at her and finally sighed. He'd hoped that she'd understand as best she could, and adapt to this new life. Had that been too much to ask? She'd betrayed him, and was lucky he hadn't retaliated in the way that some men would.

Still, she needed punishing. As he looked around the room for inspiration, it occurred to him that he'd left one important thing out when he'd made this place ready for her...

Just how the hell had he overlooked it before?

(Yandere!LeviXReader) Obsession, Possession. Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant