Blue Eyes

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It's hard not to scream when you hear his words in the dark. He loves you? Seriously, that's what he's saying now? By now he's bastardised every good and natural thing about a relationship, and he thinks a simple I love you will be able to fix it?
He kisses the back of your head, and you have to fight not to tense up.
There's no way you could sleep like this. Your body hurts, the cuffs are beginning to dig into your  wrists more painfully, and you're lying next to a monster. But you manage to keep still and quiet. If he knew you were awake, what would he do?

You're surprised he can't feel your heart hammering with his arms wrapped around you so tightly. What does he think, that you're going to make a run for it whilst he's asleep? Well, he's eliminated that option. And you feel like a complete fool for not taking the chance earlier and just escaping. Even if you couldn't kill him, you should've knocked him out. By now you could've been long gone, perhaps you'd be in a warm and safe bed at headquarters, or maybe on your way back home.

Ever since you came here your sense of time has been pretty out of it, but you're fairly sure it's still night. You haven't slept, and have tried to keep a rough track of hours throughout this long long night. By now it's probably midnight, or maybe an hour or two beyond it. No more. So that means you're stuck here with him for plenty of time, having his body press against your aching one, feeling his breath on your bare skin...

The chains still keep your arms above your head, and the position grows increasingly uncomfortable as time passes. You can't get back to sleep, and despite your efforts to stay still, you're soon moving slightly in them in an attempt to ease the discomfort. They rattle softly as you try to raise yourself up the bed, so they'll slacken and give you a little more movement. It's whilst you're in the process of this that you hear them.

Footsteps. But that... that can't be right. Levi is right behind you, his arms are still around your abdomen. If he's here, who the hell is out there?
You hear the steps falter, and then continue.

Don't scream, don't scream, don't scream.
You repeat that to yourself over and over, despite the urge welling up inside you. That person could help, they could get you out, free you, keep Levi away. All you need to do is shout.
But you know it would be futile. The door at the foot of the stairs is locked, and your scream would wake Levi up. You'd still be chained up, helpless, and you remember his words from yesterday.

I'd kill you before I let that happen.

You know he meant it, he had a look of crazed clarity in his eyes. Whatever happens, you can't let him wake up to find you're trying to escape.
But you can't just let this chance go, right? These footsteps are salvation, and a desperate yearning fills you. You don't know what you can expect to happen, but you want a solution anyway.

Something seems to be listening to your prayers, as the footsteps begin to grow louder, and then you hear the familiar rhythm of someone descending the stairs. By comparing the sound to Levi's, you can tell that it's someone heavier than he is, and hopefully that means stronger.

Dread and excitement fill you as the approach. On one hand, if they figure out that something is wrong, they might try to enter. That sound would wake Levi, and doom you. But on the other hand, they might realise what's happened and somehow get you out safely. It's unlikely yet a part of you insists that it's possible.

You're practically shaking with anticipation when the footsteps stop outside the door. The world hangs on the edge of a knife for a moment, completely silent and still. An eternity seems to pass in that moment, even though it can't last more than a second or two.
Then the person tries the door, and your heart leaps in your chest.

(Yandere!LeviXReader) Obsession, Possession. Where stories live. Discover now