His Darkest Side

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// With this chapter, the warning really is in the title. Please don't read on if you're the type who is sensitive to certain graphic material.

Update: Wow, Robin of 2021 speaking here. First off, I'm so glad that people appreciate my work enough to read it years after I uploaded it, thank you so much! That being said, I've come to partially regret the way the topic in this chapter is approached, as I've received many comments making light of the subject.
Of course, everyone responds differently to heavy material, but I will be monitoring comments on this chapter and removing anything I deem a little too... much. I've had abortion jokes and people saying they find it hot, and just... please don't. Maybe one day I'll rewrite this whole fic and approach this scene differently. Until then, please be mindful and sensitive.

When Levi actually falls asleep at the table, you're left watching over him with a surprised look. He must've just worked himself too hard during the day. From the moment he arrived you thought he looked exhausted, but didn't really think he'd suddenly fall asleep like that. Now's your chance to do something, to put into action on of your plans, to steal the keys, to just... Move. But you can't. Not right away, at least.

It's the first time you've seen him look so peaceful. Sure, you've seen him relaxed before, but this is different. It's like every other emotion has been washed away from his expression and now he's simply pure and innocent, looking almost like a child. You can't stop yourself as you reach forward and touch his hair. Gently you stroke it, and his expression changes slightly. You haven't the heart to wake him up, but for some reason you can't bring yourself to abandon him. Playing with his hair doesn't seem to bother him, so you keep it up. Soon enough you're convinced he's entered a deeper stage of sleep, and finally you gain the confidence to act.

Slowly you edge towards him, your hand lowering and brushing against his thigh. It shifts slightly beneath your touch, but your probing fingers are soon touching his pockets, feeling for the outline of the key he must keep there. Every movement you make is tiny and gentle, you know you can't have him waking up, the moment he starts to move you tell yourself you'll give up for the time being. But luck is with you for a short while, and you're sure the outline you're tracing with your fingertip is one that belongs to a key.

You should've known it was too good to be true, for soon enough you run into a problem. When you slide your index finger into his pocket he moves his thigh a little more, unconsciously pulling away. But it's the look on his face that truly worries you. It has darkened, creases have appeared in his brow and the furrow only deepens. He makes a noise, to you it sounds like a slurred, incoherent word, and then begins to stir. Panicking, you pull your hand back, heart beating rapidly.

Whatever luck has been with you holds, and he doesn't wake.

A few minutes later you work up the courage to try again, but it isn't happening. He starts to stir as soon as your fingers brush the edge of his pocket, and you know you won't be able to retrieve the key without waking him.

Part of you wished you were made of sterner stuff. Someone else might have just killed him by now. He doesn't even bring table knives down here, but now that he's asleep and defenceless, anything would make a decent enough weapon. It'd be messy, but it'd work. You shudder to think about that option, and know you won't try it until it's your very last resort. You haven't reached that point yet, there's still other options to try...

His expression gradually becomes even more troubled, and at one point you could swear you hear him utter the word mom. Whatever has brought that on, you don't know, and you don't think you'll ever find out either. Levi has always been secretive about his past, and it's kind of an unspoken rule that nobody talks to him about his family, wherever they are. Really, it's the first time it occurs to you that this man actually has a family.

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