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We sat in the waiting room. Emily refused to sit down she just kept pacing through the halls. All the guys looked like they were about to have mental break downs so we were trying to comfort them without freaking out ourselves. Somehow they managed to convince the nurse not to call the police and start an investigation which was one problem solved.
     "Luke Hemmings." A doctor walked out of the back room and we all shot up from our seats. "You're all for Mr. Hemmings?" We nodded and he sighed looking at his notes. "Luke has 3 broken ribs, bruising on his lungs and a broken nose there was also some internal bleeding but we were able to stop it. I'm sorry to say this but we had to put him in a medically induced coma for the next week to try to recover. He most likely will but there is a small chance the bleeding will start again. You can go in and see him but please only 2 at a time, 7 can be a little overwhelming." He held open the door waiting for someone to go in. I walked forward and pushed Emily towards the door softly. She should go in alone.

Emily's P.O.V

      I walked into Luke's room and started crying. He looked like he was dying. He had a breathing tube down his throats and he was pale covered in bruises. "B-baby, no." I walked up and placed my hand on his. "L-luke please be okay...please.... stay alive...I love you..." I broke down at his side having a panic attack. "Please c-come back Luke...."

Elle's P.O.V

      I decided to go check on Emily. I found her curled up in a ball on the floor crying. She looked so broken. She was having a panic attack. "Emily! Emily! Look at me! Please you need to remember to breath!" I sat in front of her making sure to give her some space. She looked up at me and started taking deep breaths with me. She started to calm down and I helped her off the ground. "Come on sweetie lets get you back into the waiting room." She nodded and leaned on me for support. I walked her back and Michael and Sapphire went into the room after us.

Michaels P.O.V

I stared at Luke, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault I convinced you to do this, fuck Luke." I ran my hands through my hair trying so hard not to punch the wall and cause a scene. Sapphire slowly reached over and pulled me into a hug. I started crying, "I did this, my best friend is in a fucking coma because I told him to fight." She pulled away, "Mikey this isn't your fault, it's nobody's fault except that scumbags. Luke is going to be okay, we just have to believe." I held her close, maybe she was right. We left Luke's room and walked out to the waiting room.

Ashton's P.O.V

     I hesitantly walked into Luke's room. Rose was holding my hand. Seeing the state he was in made me break down, "Come on man, please be okay. Please don't leave us. You're gonna miss out on the whole rest of our lives. I'm so sorry we talked you into that stupid fucking fight. Please Luke, come back..." I cried into Rose's shoulder. She walked me out of the room and back into the waiting room.

Calum's P.O.V

     It was finally our turn. I looked over at Elliana, she was crying but nodded and took my hand. We slowly walked into Luke's room. I immediately started crying as well. My best friend laid there practically dying. Covered in bandages with a cast around his stomach. Elliana clung to me crying into my shirt. "L-Luke..." she couldn't even finish her sentence. I looked over at him again "I promise you Luke, no matter what it takes I will get that son of a bitch and I will make him suffer. You're my family. Please come back to us safely." I let go of Elliana and she walked over and kissed his forehead, then grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room.
     We all ended up back in the waiting room crying. No one said anything. We just sat there until there were no more tears to cry.

Please come back to us Luke...

(A/N: sooooooo you guys hate me for this huh?)

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