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     Calum started talking, he explained basic things and then explained what he does for a living. He also explained how he started out and about his family. It felt nice that he was telling me all this especially because he wanted me to be with him. "Anything else you want to know?" He took a bite of his burger. "How did you start fighting?" I stole a fry off his plate because I had already finished mine. "....When I was 15 my older sister Mali had this boyfriend, he seemed like a bad guy but no one said anything. One day I came home early and saw him beating her, I don't know how but I snapped and tackled him. I beat him so badly he ended up in the hospital for weeks with broken ribs and a fractured skull. After that day I knew there was something in me that I just needed to find to become a great fighter. I started out planning on being a professional UFC boxer but soon fell into the gang life to help my mom pay bills. My buddies convinced me to try underground fighting and I agreed. That's when my undefeated streak started. I never lost a match and it made me feel powerful. I slowly moved up the chain and eventually fought the leader which made me the new leader. After that fighting became routine. I trained a couple hours a day, fought, committed crimes and lived like a king." He shrugged. "Is your sister the reason why you would never hit a girl? Because of what happened to her?" I stole another fry. "Exactly, I could never live with myself if I did that, especially to you boo." He looked me in the eye. "You don't even know me though, we've run into each other a few times and that's it. What makes me so special?" I whispered becoming shy. "I do know you, I've had my eye on you for a while. One night you were drunk with your friends stumbling around town. I saw you and knew that you were the one I had been waiting for. Even though you were drunk I knew that you looked like an angel with a heart of gold." I blushed, "That night was almost 2 months ago, I'm not even friend with them anymore." "Yeah it was, I would've talked to you sooner but I knew who you were, Luke was with me and he explained you were like his little sister. So I tried to stay away from you but when you came to my fight and that guys messed with you I knew I had to make you mine." I blushed even harder. "I'm not going to force you to be with me, I'm gonna let you make your own choice but tonight I have another fight and I want you to be there to be my little cheerleader." He chuckled. "Luke won't let me go, you know that." I sighed. "Then don't ask and I'll pick you up at 10." I hesitated but then nodded, "Okay."
     Calum took me to get my uniform the dropped me off at work, kissing my cheek. Work was long and boring but luckily I only worked a part time shift so I started at 2 and left at 8. It gave me plenty of time to get home and get changed into some black sweats and a black t-shirt with Marilyn Monroe on it. I pulled on some red vans and let my thick curly hair fall naturally at my shoulders.
     I watched Netflix while I waited until Luke knocked at my door. "I know where you're going Elle, I'm not gonna stop you because the damage has already been done but just please be careful okay?" I got up and hugged him, "Alright I'll be careful." He kissed the top of my head, "Good, Calum's outside." I left my apartment and met Calum outside. He was standing there smoking a cigarette. "Ready boo?" I nodded and we left.
     The same guy greeted us at the door but instead of staying there he led us to the back room that had been converted into a locker room. Calum walked over to a locker and opened it up. Inside were several pairs of shorts, a pair of black boxing gloves, some shirts and some hoodies. He pulled out some black shorts and a hoodie that said "Hood" on the back in white letters. "For you boo." I put it on, it wasn't too big but it still felt like I was being swallowed. Calum took off his shirt and pants, I couldn't help but staring at his tattoos (...and muscles...). He pulled on his shorts and grabbed his gloves. "Alright let's go, I need to take you to my friends so nothing happens to you okay?" I took his hand he walked me back into the room where the actual fights took place. Standing on Calum's side right next to the stage were two guys. One with sandy blonde/brown hair and one with white/blonde hair. They were talking to each other. "Boys this is Elliana." Calum spoke up once we got over to them. They turned around, "Hey Elle, remember me?" Michael said. "Yeah, who's he?" I looked over to the other guy. "My names Ashton, I'm a friend of Luke and Calum, plus I'm another fighter." I smiled at them. "You guys take care of her for me while I'm fighting." They nodded and shook hands.
     The referee got on the stage, "THE FIGHT IS STARTING!" He blew his whistle and Calum kissed my cheek before getting up on the stage. He took his place. "On this side we have Danny Vells boxing for the first time on this stage. On this side we have undefeated champ Calum Hood. Shake hands and put on your gloves boys." Calum shook the guys hand and the guy whispered something in his ear before looking over at me. Calum put on his gloves and got in position and oh fuck did he look pissed.

This is not going to end well for the other guy....

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