Bonus Chapter 2: You Think You Know Somebody

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**Hey lovelies! The following chapter contains flashbacks of the book but from other person's perspective. Enjoy!**


I arrive to the dress boutique and get in, trying to find the girls. I don't get why they invited me here, they could've given me the flash drive at school or somewhere else, but they insisted on handing it to me here. Girls are so weird.

"Excuse me, have you seen three lovely girls around here?" I ask a lady while she hangs an orange dress up since I don't see a single soul in here. She looks at me and scans me from head to toe. Well, that wasn't subtle at all. I just keep smiling and wait for her answer.

"They're back there in the dressing room." She responds, pointing at the back of the store.

"Thanks." I say and start walking towards them.

"Excuse me." The lady says in an annoyed voice and I turn around, "You can't go in there. It's for ladies only." She clarifies. She looks so angry. She must really hate her job.

I slowly start walking towards her, "My girlfriends wanted fashion advice from an expert." I say in a feminine voice, "Please cutie, they'll be devastated if I don't go." I say, grabbing her gently by the arm.

"You don't look like a fashion expect." The lady fires.

I place my hands on my hips, "That's because you haven't seen the gorgeous sky blue dress I made for my mom, it compliments her pearl skin tone so perfectly, I can't even tell you the-"

"Alright!" The lady shuts me up, "You can go. But make it quick." She says, rolling her eyes and walking away from me. Well, that wasn't so hard.

I enter to the dressing room and find Stella and Scarlett standing up, looking at the dresses in their hands. They look at me at the same time but before we can say a word Allie comes out of the mini room she was in, with a dark blue dress on. Wow, she looks stunning.

"So?" She asks, waiting for us to say something.

"You look amazing." I say smiling before one of the girls speaks.

"You look so beautiful, Allie. I love it!" Scarlett excitedly says, jumping up and down.

"You're gorgeous, doll!" Stella adds and Allie blushes. She's so adorable. "By the way, Zach came here for our history project," She tells her and takes the flash drive out of her bag and hands it to me, "but he'll go in a moment."

"Oh, thanks for kicking me out." I joke and the three of them laugh. I can't stop looking at Allie, maybe it's because I've never seen her dressed up like this, but she looks beautiful.

"I'm going to change back into my clothes and then we can pay." She shyly says and walks back into the room.

"Okay." We say at the same time.

"I can't believe she's going with Liam." Stella says.

"I know!" Scarlett joins, "She's like the luckiest girl in school." She says smiling.

I smile and nod at their comments. If they knew how Liam actually is they wouldn't be thinking so nice of him. I don't get why everyone at school looks at him like a Greek god, he's a good football player but he's never kind to girls, he knows most of them have a crush on him and they would love to be with him but he still ignores them and only uses them to get something from them.

"I don't think she knows how lucky she is, to be honest." Stella tells her. Lucky? I think she is the other opposite.

I appreciate Allie's friendship, she's really nice and sweet and cares so much about her family and friends, and Liam doesn't deserve to have her. I don't know if I'll be able to keep the secret with me for much longer, I don't want to see her heart breaking if he decides to play one of his games again. Even Jason, who seems like a decent guy turned out to be just like Liam and the rest of his friends.

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