Chapter 46: I Love You

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That was one hell of experience.

I felt the play was never going to end, it kept going and going and going. If Mr. Leo doesn't give us an A I'll kick his ass. I have to say everything was really funny, Logan and Bobby being furniture and trees, Jason's acting skills and Mike trying to make us remember our lines, it was hilarious. I forgot everything I was supposed to say but it's alright, everyone had fun.

I was kind of stressed because of all the stuff we needed to do but with Jasmine's help we got everything done. Now that I think of Jasmine, damn, I wasn't expecting that kiss. That was the last thing I thought she would do. At first I wanted to stop her but then I realized it was the perfect time for me to teach Allie a lesson. Now we're even. Although, I'm not going to lie, to make it look real, I imagined the whole time Jasmine with Allie's face. It may be weird and I may look like a jerk but I needed to prove that I can play that game too. Besides, no one gets to play with me that way.

Mr. Leo said Alice in Wonderland is next and they are placing their stuff on stage while we take ours out. "Liam, can you take these back? Mr. Leo said we can't have them on top of the seats." Jason says, "I'm coming." He tells Logan when he shouts something to him.

"Sure." I answer and grab the painted cardboard pieces. Our scenography was pretty decent, considering we had only a day to make them up.

I walk to the back room of the theater to place the stuff there because it's practically a storage room since it's full of costumes, more scenography, wigs and things they can use when they perform, and I place everything on the floor. I turn around when I hear someone and see Allie coming in.

She stares at me for a fraction of a second and walks towards some decorations, kneeling down to pick her phone from the ground. Was she here before? I stare at her the whole time but she never turns her sight to me. I watch her face right before she walks out and her bloodshot eyes tell me she's been crying. I try to say something but she quickly gets out of the room, walking to the stage.

What happened to her?

The plays are finally over. I was about to fall asleep in this last play, it was so fucking boring. They did Bambi. Who the fuck does Bambi? Their makeup was intense and it looked cool but the story was extremely boring and dumb. The movie may be nice for little kids but for us it was horrible. The only one having fun was the teacher, we was jumping up and down, laughing at their innocent childish jokes and I saw a tear running over his cheek when Bambi's mother died. It was a whole new world for him.

The bell rings and everyone gets up and gathers their stuff. I wish Lily was here to laugh with me about everything, but she's been pretty sick lately and hasn't been able to come to school. She was so pale and weak when I visited the other day I felt bad for her. I'm calling her today to see how she's doing.

I help my friends with our things and then we get out the theater. "Our play was the best one yet." Jasmine says from the back and I turn around. She changed into her normal clothes, just like me.

"Sure it was." I agree. Alice was nice but ours was funnier and more entertaining.

"You should be ashamed of yourselves." Stella says, interrupting our conversation. No, I'm not. I think we did well, we're not actors but I kind of feel we deserve an Oscar.

"We weren't that bad," I say and laugh, "Were we?" I ask, looking at Jasmine.

Stella frowns and shows and angry look, "Allie won't say it because she is a nice girl, unlike you," she tells Jasmine, "but fuck you." Oh, damn.

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