Chapter 10: Scream

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I wake up and see my sister sleeping next to me. I don't remember falling asleep, the last thing in my mind is my parents screaming and Rebecca's unstoppable crying. I don't want to go downstairs and have an awkward breakfast with my family but I have to. It's still early to go to school so I wait a few minutes to wake my sister up.

I change my clothes, put some makeup on and straight some few pieces of wavy hair at the front of my head with my flat iron.

I sit on my bed next to my sister and touch her arm to try and wake her up and she slowly opens her eyes.

"Hey." I say with a low voice and I leave my hand on her arm.

"Hi." She says to me with a weak tone and makes a little smirk. She looks really tired and sad. I wonder how my mom and dad found out about it and what did they tell her before I arrived, everything is so sudden.

"Do you want to stay home?" I ask and wait for her response.

"I better go to school." She coughs and continues talking, "I don't want to be home all day to hear mom and dad shouting to each other because of me."

"It's not your fault Rebecca." I say to her and grab her hand.

"Of course it's my fault! I'm not perfect like you. I make mistakes almost every hour!" She says shouting and with glossy eyes. I don't know what to say, she'll start to cry or get mad if I say something.

Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed I guess.

"Do whatever you want. I'll be here if you need anything." I say with a serious look and a straight tone in my voice. I let her hand go and then I get out of the room.

I go downstairs to the kitchen and see my mom making scrambled eggs and a strawberry smoothie for us. She has big dark bags under her eyes even though she has makeup on and her hair isn't as fancy as usual. I hate how all of this is going. And the worst thing is that I don't see my dad anywhere, he went to work without saying goodbye.

I give a hug to my mom, "Good morning." I say and she smiles to me. I bet that's the hardest smile she has made in her whole life, "Mmm, everything smells so good." I say, trying to make her feel better, but I fail.

"Thanks. Call your sister so we can eat." She tells me and hands me a plate with my food. I place it on the table and walk upstairs to call Rebecca.

"Becca breakfast's ready!" I shout and go back to the dining room. I take a seat on my usual spot, next to my mom, in front of my sister and in diagonal with my dad. I see my sister coming and I smile to her, she doesn't smile back.

"So, where's dad?" Rebecca asks while grabbing her plate from my mom's hand and sitting on her spot.

"He's out. Working." My mother says, taking her sight away from us.

"Did he even sleep here tonight?" My sister blatantly asks.

"Becca!" I say to her with a shut the hell up look.

"Let's eat. I don't want you to be late." My mother dodges the question. Rebecca stares at her for a moment and then starts to eat.

All breakfast was spent quietly, the only noise I could hear was the forks against the plate. I miss my dad making conversation.

Becca and I left home and I drive her to school. My mom stayed in the living room alone, staring at the wall thinking of things I would like to know. I wish I could have stayed with her but I really wanted to go to school to relax a little.

I feel really bad when we have family issues, which is rare.

The ride was quiet as well, I tried to speak several times but my sister was ignoring me. I don't know why she's being like this, I've been trying to help her since she told me about the incident and now she's mad at me. Maybe she's confused or something, I don't know, but I just hope my dad gets home soon, I honestly doubt he slept with my mom or even stayed in the same room last night. They were so upset they wouldn't even want to calm down.

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