Chapter 1: Pilot

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"I'm a little bit nervous." I say to my dad as I enter the kitchen. I feel my heart beating faster than normal and my hands sweating as if it was burning hot outside, which actually is. He's sitting with a plate full of pancakes in front of him, his phone in one hand and his fork in the other.

"You don't have to be." He says smiling, leaving his phone faced down on the table.

"Your dad is right dear, you'll do great." My mom says as she gives a cup of coffee to my dad.

"Don't lie to her, we all know she'll hate her senior year", my sister says with a big fake smile on her face as she walks down the stairs. I roll my eyes and ignore what she just said. I don't need her negative vibes in my first day back to school.

"Rebecca, don't say that to her." My mom says and hands her the plate with her breakfast. Even though my mom tries to sound strict and harsh she doesn't fool anyone, she's too sweet and nice. That's why most of the time we don't obey what she orders, and by we I mean my sister, she's younger than me but that doesn't take away her bad attitude and moods.

"Sorry sister, my bad." She sarcastically responds and pulls back her light blonde hair.

I ignore her and look down at my phone, checking the time. "I better get going, I don't want to be late." I say just to get out of there. I hug my parents and get out.

Since I was a kid, I have imagined senior year as a place full of hot guys, nice people and awesome teachers, where I would make friends that would last for the rest of my life, almost like in the High School Musical movies, but now I realize I was dreaming too much. I don't even know if I will enjoy this year because two of my best friends, Jade and Cassidy, moved away and now I'm just with Stella. Stella is a great friend and I love being with her, but it will be different being only the two of us.

I arrive to school and park my car. I'm feeling nervous, and I know that I'll do fine, but I always feel like this before everything starts, and because I don't know many people in school I feel like I'm going to be alone in all my classes, without friends. But maybe I'm just exaggerating everything, like I always do.

I see Stella through my window and wave to her, finally someone who I'm excited to see.

"Allie I missed you so much! Where have you been? You left me alone for almost three months!" My best friend says when I get out of my car. I'm not a social person, I prefer being home with my family rather than going out. I like hanging out with my friends, but since Cassidy and Jade were busy moving their stuff and preparing everything I wasn't feeling like seeing Stella even though she's one of my best friends. I'm just anti-social, let's be honest. But I mean, if I have to be with people I'll be really friendly and nice to them, it's not like I'm scared of talking to them or anything like that, but I just like being on my own.

"Hey! I missed you too!" I say and give her a tight hug "Wow, I'm in love with your new hair color." I'm surprised she dyed it. She looked really pretty with darker hair, but she looks great as a blonde too.

"Thanks, you know how they say, blondes have more fun." She proudly says and moves her hair back and forth showing off her gorgeous new hair. That color really suits her.

I smile and hug her again "I really missed you." I say, "But we should get to class, the bell is about to ring." I say when I look at my phone. I thought it was earlier though, it must have been the traffic. I've always been paranoid about not getting to class in time, it freaks me out not assisting to them. It's so bad that sometimes I've dreamed about not making it and getting suspended, yeah that's how crazy I am.

"I hope we see cute guys this year.", Stella says laughing and holds my arm. I have missed all her happiness and excitement, it always makes me smile.

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