Chapter 47: Need You Now

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"I don't have it Stella." I tell her through the phone. "You must've left it somewhere else." I continue. She always loses her stuff, she leaves one thing here and other there, her room is a mess and she is really scatterbrained, no wonder why she never finds anything. I'm not a huge cleaning fan but I do like to have everything where it belongs.

"Last time I wore it was at your house, at the sleepover." She assures.

"Maybe Scarlett took it by mistake." I say. Stella has been looking for her dress all morning and she's taking away several minutes of my getting ready routine. "Or you can just wear something else." I suggest. I don't get her obsession for this particular dress, she has lots of others she can wear.

"But today is a special day." She says with a happier voice, "Randy and I-"

"Will celebrate your monthversary." I complete. She's been bragging all week about the super romantic dinner with Randy she will be having today and it's starting to annoy me. "I need to go." I tell her and hang up. It's almost time for me to leave and I haven't even eaten my breakfast.

Becca and my dad are already eating when I sit down and my mom is finishing her dish. "Is everything okay?" My dad asks when he looks at me.

"Yeah." I answer, "Stella was just freaking out about nothing." I explain my delay. I wished my problems were deciding my outfits for the week, just like hers. I still don't get why Stella is still with Randy, he acts better now and treats her nicer but that doesn't justifies what he did to her, that was sick.

"Mom." Rebecca calls my mother when she finally sits down, "How is aunt Sally?" She asks.

"Good." She simply answers and shares a glance to my dad. "She thinks your uncle is seeing someone else." She confesses. Oh, wow.

"How does she know?" I ask.

"She's seen some calls he's made to a woman called Celine for the last couple of months and he daily goes to some mysterious place at four." My mom tells us. This is sad but I find it interesting. "She has even heard him saying stuff like 'she's coming, wait a minute' or 'I'll be alone today' and more things like that. But don't say anything to your cousins, they don't quite now." My mom says. My sister and I nod. Of course we won't say a word.

I look at my dad and he is rushing into his food, he doesn't comment on Aunt Sally's situation, he's too concentrated on his scrambled eggs and toast. He's acting weird. My mom and sister seems to notice too because they're looking weirdly at him but they don't say anything. "Do you need to be at the office earlier?" My mom finally asks.

"Uh-", my dad hesitates and looks at the clock, "Yeah. I need to work on Daniel's case." He says and eats the last few bites of his plate.

"Isn't he Mrs. Anabelle's boss?" I curiously ask. I'm pretty sure he is because I sometimes hear my dad explaining everything he is doing to my mom and I think I heard his name in some conversations before.

"The one and only." My dad says and a smirk appears on his face.

"Have you heard anything about Mrs. Anabelle?" I ask. I should hurry up eating too if I want to make it on time to class.

"I've recently seen her and she looks pretty good to me." He says and stands up. "That baby is coming out soon." He says and I laugh. I know what he means, that belly is enormous. He goes away to get his stuff while we finish our breakfast.

"Are you coming with me today?" I ask Becca when I see she's done eating.

"Can I every day?" She replies with a question. I'm still expecting a rude joke or comment from her but I guess I won't be hearing those in a while. I'm glad she is coming out from her mental-emo-phase, she was driving me nuts.

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