Chapter 39: Camouflage

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I check my phone and I still have some spare time before going to school. I got everything done pretty quickly this morning.

With my phone in one hand, I decide to call Liam. I know it's really early and he must be getting ready, but I don't want to wait any longer.

After a few beeps he finally answers the call. I don't know how to start the conversation, I don't want to get all weird and awkward with him, like we did yesterday.

"Hey?" He confusedly says. Damn, I think he doesn't want to talk to me this early, I should have waited longer.

"Hey, good morning." I say, "I'm sorry to bother you this early but-"

"You're not bothering." He says with a little simple laugh at the end, "Is everything alright?"

I sit down on my bed and think before speaking, "Yeah, everything's great." I say, "I wanted to talk to you later today." I tell him. I feel a bit nervous and insecure but I can't contain myself for feeling like that. I shouldn't be the one begging him for a moment, he should be the one calling me.

"Sure." He simply says, "Before practice?" He suggests.

I nod to myself for a moment, "Yeah, okay." I say when I realize he isn't watching me. I always do that, that's why I don't like talking on the phone, I always think the other one is looking at my face expressions and everything.

"See you later then." Liam says with a monotone voice.

"Bye." I say and hang up.

I don't know if he was too serious because he's upset for something or if he was just waking himself up and wasn't the same Liam he usually is: funny, happy and exciting.

I grab my laptop from my side and open it. I scroll down through my Facebook feed and look for all the news from yesterday and today. I didn't have enough time yesterday to get informed and see all the celebrity and friends news and gossip, so I'm glad I have this little time today.

A red number pops up on my friends requests and I immediately open it. I'm curious to find who sent me the friend request. I hope it's not an old man from another country. I've received so many requests from older men from India, England, Argentina and some Asian countries several times. I never confirm them though, I always think they're going to find where I live and kidnap me.

'Eric Brooks' is the name I read when I open it. Huh, it's Jasmine's brother. Well that's a relief, I was expecting some weird named person.

I wait a couple of minutes before accepting his request. I want it to look like I casually logged in and saw his request, not like a desperate addicted to Facebook girl that confirmed it right away.

I see the time and I prepare myself to go to school. I grab my backpack and get out of my room, finding Becca about to walk downstairs too.

I stare at her for a moment before saying anything. At this point I don't really know how I can help, I don't want to make her feel bad but I do want to let her know that what she did was wrong in so many ways. And the worst part is that I have this little feeling inside that tells me that she will do it again, maybe not today or not tomorrow, but soon, very soon.

"Morning." I say to my sister and walk downstairs with her. She doesn't say anything back, just keeps walking down. At least I'm being nice to her, even though she doesn't deserve it.

"Bye, mom." I tell my mom and hug her, then I go with my dad and hug him too. "I'll come back a little late just because I need to finish some work with my Chemistry partner." I inform them before leaving.

"I'll be there in a sec." My dad tells Rebecca and stands up from his seat.

"Allie will take me." She says and I turn around.

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