Chapter 23: Good Girls

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Since I woke up this morning all I've been thinking about is Eric, only him and nobody else, which is something unusual because I'm always thinking about Liam. I must sound like a whore by now.

Flashes come into my eyes. His messy pushed back hair, shirtless body and kissing me up and down non-stop, and his warmth body pressing against mine. I've been like that since Saturday, which means this is the third day I've been thinking about him. I didn't tell anyone about what happened, not even Stella. What happened in the room will stay in the room.

I doubt he'll tell his sister about it, I don't even think he'll remember, but I do and I can't get it out of my mind. I kind of wish it could happen again, I've never experience something like that before and it felt really good, more than I would like it to.

Everyone thinks I'm such a good girl, my friends, teachers, family, literally everybody, but what would they think of me if they read my thoughts or caught me on the right moment? Yikes.

"Are you listening to me?" Stella says moving her hand over my face trying to get my attention.

"Yeah." I lie. Of course I don't know what she's talking about, I have more important things to deal with, like my parents defending my sister about her sexual life, especially my mom. She wanted to ground me because of the way I spoke to my sister, when she was the one who slept with older guys and contracted an infection, I don't exactly know what she has and I don't want to know, but my mom is protecting her more than me, and she still has the nerve to tell me that she doesn't have favoritism and that she supports us both the same way, that's bullshit.

"Alright." She says and closes her locker, "As I was saying, that was the best night of my life. We should get out more often." She suggests.

"We?" I ask and raise my brow, "I won't be out of my house for a while." I say while we walk to our classroom.

"Hey." Zach says as we enter. He's already on his usual seat, with Caleb and Scarlett next to him. "Didn't see you at the party last Friday." He tells and I sit down.

"Yeah, me neither. I had to stay by myself for a while, before I found Beck." Scarlett says and winks, telling us that she was with a guy.

"Who the hell is Beck?" Stella asks and sits in front of me, leaving her backpack on the floor.

"Beck, you know, the tall brunette guy, with athletic body, soccer team?" She says moving her hands in the air. Sometimes I think she should be a rapper, she can't speak without moving her hands in front of her face.

"Doesn't ring a bell." Stella responds and puts her hands on her legs, "You know who I was with?" She proudly asks, looking at Scarlett.

"You're kidding." Scarlett says, understanding who she's talking about, and comes closer to her.

"I'm not." Stella says and moves her hands to Scarlett's desk, "Come here, I'll tell you the details." Stella instructs. Scarlett stands from her seat and sits down in front of Stella. I don't think they should talk about that in front of the boys, I mean Zach and Caleb are our closest friends, but they're still guys, and listening to us talking like that makes me think that they see us like easy preys.

"So, how was the party I didn't get invited to?" Caleb asks and I laugh, bringing my hands to my mouth to cover my smile, I don't want to make him feel upset. But now I think he was joking.

"They had vodka and beer." Zach informs him and Caleb smiles and nods, as if they had some type of secret communication going on. I uncomfortably smile because I'm out of the inside joke. It doesn't bother me anyway.

"What about you Allie, how was it?" Caleb asks and raises his brow several times. His face is so creepy, I have to try my best not to laugh.

"It was boring." I lie, "I'm not a party person, but it was okay I think." I lie again. I won't tell them about the poker nudity game or my intense make out session with Eric, it was embarrassing for me at that time and it's still embarrassing for me now.

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