Chapter 29: Jealous

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I apologized to Stella this morning for the issue we had about Jade, I told her she was right and it wasn't good of me to defend Jade after all she did to us, especially to me and Liam. I won't doubt of Stella again, she might be wrong sometimes and she thinks different from me but she is my best friend and I know she wants the best for me, and I want the best for her, we wouldn't ever hurt each other on purpose.

On the other hand, I can't stop smiling today, I feel so happy and excited. Yesterday's dinner with Liam's mom and sister was a blast, the food was so good and the chocolate cake Blair baked was amazingly fantastic, I totally have to ask her for the recipe and tell my mom to bake it, because I'm a mess in the kitchen and can't do it myself.

Speaking of my family, I'm not feeling like I used to with them, when I was younger I would play with the three of them and we would spend hours laughing and watching movies together, it was so fun hanging with them but now I can't say anything because they start teaching me a lesson about how I will fail in life if I continue thinking the way I do and how bad of a person I am for not talking to my sister. I don't talk to her because she hates me for no particular reason, and when I attempt to talk to her we fight and then my parents get involve and she ends up winning, leaving me in tears and my mom stops talking to me too and the cycle repeats every single day. I don't know if they love me like they used to, I'm starting to feel I'm not part of that family, not anymore.

I have to stop thinking about them because I don't want to ruin this wonderful day. I can hear the little birds singing outside the classroom and the weather feels wonderful, it's a warm day but it has a touch of a cold light air going on, just the way I like it. I can feel fall making its way to us.

I'm not even paying attention at what the teacher is saying, I already know what she's explaining because years ago my aunt taught me all about physics. She was kind enough to help me with my homework and now I don't have to study because I know pretty much everything, I feel so smart.

Two more hours and I'll be out of here. I'm pretty tired, and dealing with my teachers is what I hate the most, besides homework, exams, oral presentations and pretty much everything involving working.

I want to see Liam so much it hurts. Yesterday's moment keeps playing in my head on repeat. I couldn't sleep much last night because I couldn't stop thinking about that. It's just a moment I will never forget, and will never want to forget. His family liked me, I can tell, or at least that was what they transmitted to me. I'm curious of how his dad looks, he must have the same eyes as Liam and the same dark hair, because his mom and sister have lighter hair and different eye color. They're a good looking family.

The teacher dismisses us ten minutes earlier than usual and I walk to my locker to change some books from my backpack, I hate walking with a thousand pounds of books on my back.

I see Lily and Liam walking together in the hallway when I close my locker and they see me. I smile and Liam tells something to Lily, now moving to my direction.

"Hey." Liam says and leans to kiss me on the cheek. No matter how many times he greets me like that I'm always off guard, and I love it so much, I instantly feel butterflies in my stomach and my cheeks start to blush.

"Hi, Allie." Lily says when Liam moves back to stand beside her and I smile. "Do you want to come with us to that pizza place a few blocks from here?" She invites me, "After school of course." She says clarifying.

I have so much work to do tonight, I have some projects to hand in tomorrow and on Friday and I think I should finish them today, I've been a bit irresponsible the last couple of days, going out on days of school and doing whatever I want, so as much as I would like to go I have to finish my work first. "I would love to, but I can't today." I tell her and her smile turns into an inverse u. She looks so cute, like a puppy with those big round eyes. "But maybe other day?" I say to cover my rejection, I don't want her to think that I don't enjoy hanging out with her, it's just that I honestly have plenty of work to be done with.

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