Chapter 2: First Time Ever I Saw Your Face

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This morning I woke up excited. I feel with a lot of energy and ready to get my work done. I took a quick shower before breakfast, and chose a cute outfit for today. I decided to let my hair naturally straight because I'm not feeling like applying heat to it, and it looks pretty decent, so that's a bonus.

I have to look good the first week of school, so I've been trying to look casual but put together at the same time.

"Good morning dear." My mom says as I sit down to eat.

"Morning mom." I say, "I'll just take some toast and grab a coffee in my way to school." I inform her. I'm not that hungry but I want a good morning coffee, I just love how it tastes.

"Alright." She hands me the plate and I finish it in a couple of minutes.

I say goodbye to my mom and drive to Java Café, the perfect coffee shop between my house and school. I love my fresh coffee every morning before going to class, it wakes me up and gives me energy for the rest of the day.

I get in line and wait for my turn. There's like two people in front of me but they're so slow ordering. I grab my phone and text Stella that I'll see her in class because I'll take quite a while in here and I don't want her waiting at the parking lot. I send the message and suddenly someone runs in front of me and hits my phone, causing it to fall to the ground.

"Damn it." I say to myself. I'm hoping the screen didn't break because that phone it's like my little precious baby.

"I'm sorry." The guy says and I roll my eyes. He could have been more careful.

He grabs my phone from the floor before I bend down and gives it back to me. When he looks at me I recognize his face, he's the 'hot guy' from the cafeteria. I'm starting to feel a little nervous. He's really handsome and his eyes are beautiful, they're blue like Zach's but in a deeper shade and they match with his dark hair so perfectly. He looks like a young superman.

"Don't worry, it was an accident." I comprehensively say. I won't say anything rude to him, with that face no one can.

"I hope the screen didn't crack."

"I think it didn't." I respond and take a look at my phone, it's intact. Good. "Um, I think we go to the same high school." I say unsure, changing the topic. I'm absolutely sure we do but I don't want to sound like a stalker.

"Yeah, I think I saw you in my World History class?" He says with an unsure tone too. And Spanish, you forgot Spanish.

The employee tells me I'm next and I nod at her. "Well, I got to go, see you later I guess."

"See you later." He smiles and I wave to him as he gets away.

In my way to school I start thinking about him. Beside the fact that he's good looking, he seems pretty nice and decent. I know I just met him and I don't know that much about him, but he gave a good first impression. He seems cool.

And I can't wait to tell Stella.

When I arrive to school, Stella is still waiting for me with some girl I don't know. She mustn't have read my message yet.

"Hey Allie!" Stella says, turning heads between me and the other girl.

"Hey Stella." I say and turn to see who the girl is.

"She's Scarlett, I met her a few minutes ago and she's amazing." Stella says with excitement in her voice. "Just like us, her best friend doesn't attend to this school anymore". She explains.

"Oh. Hey I'm Allie." I say and give her a warm smile. I assume her friend was her only friend.

"Hi, nice to meet you." The brown-haired girl says.

"Nice to meet you too." I say.

"We're going to be great friends!" Stella says and hugs both of us, "But now we should get to class, I don't want you to have another heart attack." She tells me and I roll my eyes laughing.

The three of us sit together and wait for everyone to come in. Scarlett looks so nice and she's so pretty, her hair is so gorgeous in big relaxed waves, she has the perfect tan and her voice sounds so sweet.

"Look who's there." Stella says to me. I look at the door and find the 'hot guy'. A couple seconds later he looks back, smiles and waves at me. I smile back and notice the curiosity in my two friends.

"Do you know him?" Scarlett asks.

"Not really, I just run into him this morning." I honestly say.

"Oh my god, he's coming over here. Act normal." Stella says with a lot of excitement. I try my best to maintain calm and look the most natural way possible. I bet he has all girls at school like this.

"Hey." He greets, "You're the girl from Java's, right?" He says and takes a seat behind me.

I turn around and find his blue eyes again, "Yes." I say and giggle, "My name is Allie, by the way."

"You can call me Liam." He says and winks at me, he's such a flirt. I giggle more and turn back around to face the teacher. Hopefully Miss Annabelle starts to like me at least a little, I hate when teachers don't like me, and I'm not that good at Spanish, so she better starts to like me soon.

I see Zach taking the seat next to me, like yesterday, and we smile to each other.

"Everyone please take a seat." Miss Annabelle says, "From now on I'm going to speak in Spanish and only Spanish." She informs, "If you talk or ask something to me in English I will ignore you, so be careful." Well, that's not so nice.

"What if I don't know any Spanish?" A guy from the back asks and everyone laughs. Miss Annabelle looks at him and then turns away.

That was rude.

"Hoy empezaremos con los verbos..." Annabelle starts and writes some verbs on the board.

"Do you know any Spanish?" I hear Liam asking me.

"A little, but my friend Stella speaks it fluently." I whisper.

"For the second time this week Miss, Miss..." Annabelle grabs a sheet of paper and looks for something "Miss Cadwell", she pauses and takes a look at me, "Pay attention." She says in an angry voice, "If you don't want to stay you can walk out." She tells me. God, I wasn't doing anything wrong.

"I thought you were going to speak Spanish for the rest of the semester, Miss Anna." the same guy from the back says and the whole class laughs again. Can this get any worse?

"Miss Annabelle." She corrects, "And yes I will, but I can't stand this attitude from you and your classmates." She says with an angry look in her face.

"Sorry." I say. She looks at me and ignores what I just said. At least I'm trying to be nice.

"Los verbos son palabras que..." She starts explaining and I try to put attention at every word she says. Damn, she hates me.

The class is finally over and we get out of the room. I kind of like all of my classes except this one, I don't know why she hates me so much, I've done nothing wrong.

While Scarlett and Stella talk about makeup and other stuff I can't stop thinking about Liam. I think he can be my new motivation, we just met and barely spoke to each other but with those eyes and that physique, it makes me want to be friends with him. This is the first time I ever saw someone who was able to take my attention so quickly. 

**Hey! Thanks for reading another chapter of Only You, I hope you are liking it so far. It may be starting a little slow but there's a lot of stuff coming soon! ♥**

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