Chapter 28: Adore You

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I've been waiting for half an hour and Allie isn't here yet, not that she's late though, but I'm just nervous.

I know she'll come but I've been anxious all day long, I have this urge to talk to her, listening to her voice is like music to my ears. I enjoy being with her and since we didn't talk much in school I would be pretty satisfied listening to her voice speaking to me, I don't care if she's shouting or talking in a low voice, I only want to spend time with her.

Why do I depend so much on her? That's not normal.

I'm in the living room, next to the door, just in case Allie knocks I'm already near and I don't have to let her waste a lot of time waiting outside.

My mom and my sister aren't home and I'm glad, they have finally stopped fighting and that calms me down. Listening to their yelling upsets me and makes me want to punch both of them in the face. They have fought their entire lives, I can't imagine what their problems could be, clothes? Makeup? I bet they have the dumbest problems in the entire world but they manage to make them their biggest.

My phone buzzes and Allie's name appears on the screen, it was about time, 'I'm outside your house'. I find it amusing how she doesn't ring the doorbell, it's a big golden button next to the door, pretty visible, but she prefers to text me. It doesn't bother me though.

I go to the front door and open it. She's standing patiently and smiles when I see her. I didn't appreciate all of her at school, she is wearing a nice outfit and damn it makes her look so hot, a little too pink for my liking but on her it looks good. Her eyes look greener than other days, maybe because of the colors on her skirt, I don't know, but I like better when they look more brown, like caramel.

"Hey." I say and move towards her to kiss her on the cheek. I do this on purpose, I like seeing her cheeks turning into a deep shade of pink every time I do it, she just can't help it.

"Hi." She shyly says and giggles. I can see her cheeks turning red already.

"Come in." I say and close the door once she's in. "Let's go to my room." I indicate and she nods. I feel this moment like the first time she came to my house, it's like a déjà vu.

My room's door is already open but I still let get go in first, I'm such a gentleman. She goes directly to my bed, sitting on the edge of it, waiting for me to talk first. I don't have any idea of how to start but maybe if I say some dumb shit she'll continue talking.

"I'm sorry." We say at the same time. I turn my sight down to the floor and smile, she does the same thing. I walk to my bed and sit next to her, a few inches between us.

"I'm sorry for everything I wrote." She says looking into my eyes. I can feel the honesty through her words, she really means what she's telling me. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"I'm the one who has to be sorry, I never thought you were feeling like that." I sigh and continue talking, "I never realized I was making you feel that way, I want to apologize for that." I say. She moves her legs up to my bed and crosses them, pulling her skirt down to help her cover what's underneath and then faces me, showing a shy smile.

"I was going through a lot." She says and pulls her straight hair to one side. "And watching you with Jade was what hurt me the most." She explains, "It was the thing that made me explode."

"I thought you were going to like the idea." My eyebrows turn into a frown. I don't like remembering those days, we had a lot of trouble between us and with the people who surrounded us.

"How was I supposed to like that? Jade was new to you and you were dating her already." She says with a disappointed voice, still keeping the eye contact. I hope she doesn't cry.

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