Chapter Forty - More than Chocolate Cake?

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Sasha was making such a fast recovery that not even the doctors could understand it. She was awake and perfectly well, like nothing had happened! Obviously she was struggling a bit with the broken arm and leg, and she was really sore from the stitches and that she had gotten, but those things were obvious.

The point is, that she was alive, and she was going to make it. It would take a while for things to get back to normal, but the point was that it would get back to normal.

Claire was ecstatic when she came back to find that Sasha was awake, she had cried like a lunatic when she heard that her heart had stopped beating for that short amount of time, but she was so happy it was indescribable when she realised her baby was alive and well.

But her happiness was a small, and I mean SMALL fraction of how happy Josh was. It was amazing to watch. I smiled every time I saw him, just because no matter what he was always grinning like a fool. He wasn't so pale any more and he started eating again. Everything was going well! We hadn't started back to school yet, and it was Christmas break in a couple of days, so we were just going to stay off anyway. There was no point in us going in now.

Sasha was being so cheerful and talkative, so bright and beautiful. The tables had completely turned and so had the constant frowns on everyone's faces. Every one was relieved to have their little ray of sunlight back!

I had sent Josh home a few hours ago. He was so tired, but he couldn't leave Sasha. He just wanted to be with her all the time.

I made him go though, he needed to sleep, and shower and change, and he could get Sasha her stuff while he was home. I really hoped he was sleeping like I told him. Claire was home too, so hopefully she was keeping an eye on him. I really worried about him still – even though every things looking up, he still isn't getting enough rest.

It was only yesterday that Sasha had woken up, and I know he was too excited last night to sleep, and then the past two weeks he has just been a mess.

So anyway, I was sitting alone with Sasha, laughing away with her as we chatted like we normally would.

She was so confused about what had happened, and I didn't want to have to tell her any of the horrible details, so I skipped out most of it. She wasn't asking too many questions though, so thankfully I wasn't forced to answer anything unpleasant.

Just for fun, I had brought nail polish with me, and Sasha couldn't wait to get her nails done. I had already done her fingers a bright pink, so she was now sitting on the bed with her foot in my lap while I painted her little toe nails the same colour to match her fingers.

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