Chapter 114 ~ Don't Go Giving Up On Her

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(AN: The results are in! By a landslide, RieKashi won!

- As well a ObiRie for Obito x Rieka and RieHiro for Rieka x Sachihiro (Because that exists for some reason.) -

Those are the new ship names. Memorise them! Love them! Cause you're stuck with them :)

Also Happy Valentines Day for yesterday!! Did you spend it with anyone special?)


(Small Rieka scene + Continuation from Sakumo and Kakashi's scene chapter 109)


"Pein he's...he's...he's DEAD!!"

The crowd erupted into cheers, throwing their arms up and screaming out in pure bliss. Children dance and sang, adults laughed and cheered, while others welcomed their fallen loved ones back from the dead.

Not one single person had perished.

Once Rieka realised just what was happening, another thought dawned on her. If Nagato was resurrecting everyone who died, then that flicker of chakra she sensed was real, it wasn't a dream.

Rieka could sense Kakashi.

So there she was, the distant cheers of the villagers mere background noise as she stared down at the silver-haired shinobi. He was laying flat on his back, eyes closed and peaceful, even the cuts and bruises that once littered his body had vanished.

The colour returned to his cheeks as Rieka breathed in death.


Two mismatched eyes fluttered open.




"Hello, Kakashi."

The silver-haired jonin simply stared at his father, eyes slowly widening as he began to come to terms with just what was happening.


Sakumo smiled. "Yep." He nodded. "It's me."

Kakashi stepped forward, slightly hesitant, looking anywhere but his father. Sakura frowned at this, but allowed Kakashi a few moments to adjust before taking a seat beside his Father.

Both men stared into the flames, silence wafting around them until one spoke.

"You've grown." Sakumo noted. "All grown up."

"Yeah...I suppose I have."

"And you're a shinobi."


Sakumo nodded slowly. "And a teacher?"


"How is Rieka?"

Kakashi froze, head turning to face his father. "You know her?"

Sakumo smiled. "You spoke of her often as a child...slightly more hostile than I would have liked, but you spoke of her all the same."

Kakashi allowed his lips to tug up into the tiniest of smiles. "Yeah...I hated Rieka as a child, she was always so much better, so far ahead."

Kakashi was always watching her back.

"And now?"


"Do you still hate her?"

Kakashi managed a soft chuckle. "Never."

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