Chapter 104 ~ Time Moves At Different Speeds

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(A/N: How do you want Breaking Faith to end? And how do you think it will actually end?)


"Its yours now, use it to protect Konoha and it's people."

Rieka stared up silently at the Sannin, shifting into a small nod as her gaze fell back to the scythe, sea-foam green eyes glistening with mesmerisation.

"Well, we better head back to the front lines." Jiraiya grinned. "That war won't win itself."

He began to walk off, taking his place beside Tsunade and Orochimaru as he glanced back to the brunette. She was still of in her own world, admiring the craftsmanship of her new weapon.

With a warm smile, Jiraiya walked away.

"Oh yeah!" He realised, running back down the hill to a confused Rieka. "I almost forgot."

She stared up at him silently, patiently waiting. A large hand patted Rieka's head, tussling her dark string-like hair.

Rieka looked up, and met the smiling man's gaze.

"Congratulations on passing the Chunin Exams!"

Someone once said, that time moves at different speeds.

When Rieka was young, barely a toddler, life seemed so peaceful, so tranquil. Like nothing could ever go wrong.

Time moved so slowly.

Rieka remembers running through the streets of Kirigakure, her father on her heels and her mother watching from afar. Daiki would chase it daughter across the village, playing the big baddie while she played the hero.

Rieka always believed she would grow up to be the hero, but instead she became the big baddie.

She became the monsters she feared.

Rieka's first two years of life passed so slowly, it seemed like it would never end. Rieka didn't want it to.

But then, time picked up.

Time passed by in a blur, as before she knew it, her peaceful life in Kiri was gone, and she had begun one in Konoha.

With the absence of her parents, Rieka eventually adapted to her new life. But it moved so quickly, she breezed through the years.

Time moved so quickly.

First she was genin, then chunin and soon jonin. She met a boy, she fell in love.

And she lost everything.

Time moved even faster.

If life was a blur before, it was a blink now.

Konoha was left in her dust, the world before her. Rieka ran and ran and ran. Rieka moved so quickly.

Because time moved so quickly.

She was already thirty-years old.

The world was shifting out of balance, anger sparked within the world leaders.

And yet time moved so quickly.

Something was fast approaching, something Rieka feared may be the end of everything.

It was moving so fast, she was too afraid to blink.

Because if she did, time would catch up.

Time moved so quickly, Rieka found herself left behind. The whole world shifting into their places, readying themselves for the end of everything.

And Rieka was left behind.

But as she clutched an old man's corpse, something unexplainable occurred. Never before, unbelievable, unheard of.

Time stopped.

Rieka was sitting, hands in her lap, blood stained her clothes, a handprint against her cheek. Fingers trembling, shoulders shaking, eyes wide and heart beating.

Time had stopped.

Images flickered through her mind, Jiraiya's bloodied corpse, his eyes rolling back, his hand hitting the floor, his body turning cold.

"I'm proud of you."

His last words.

Time had stopped.

That's how Rieka found herself, back to her bed, tears ever-flowing and a single question running through her mind.

Was any of this worth it?

Someone once said, that time moves at different speeds.

So what happens when it stops?

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(A/N: Credits to owner - sorry if it's a bit blurry)

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