Falcon's Legacy [III]

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After a few minutes of driving in the car I grabbed my bag and pulled out some cookies.

"Would you like one?" I asked Ryder as I held a cookie.

He nodded.

"Alright then, here open up." I told Ryder as I placed he cookie in his mouth.

"That was not necessary, Doll." Ryder said as he smiled and blushed a bit after he ate his cookie.

He would somehow still find ways to surprise me.

"Yes, it was, I rather feed you right in the mouth so you won't let go of the steering wheel or get distracted, besides I love to see you blush for once it's not me, it's lovely to see you like this babe." I said knowing that this would make him blush more.

I smiled when I was successful in my attempt.

A few seconds later I pulled out the thermostat; this was my salvation for this morning.

"Is that tea Doll, don't tell me that we are having for breakfast cookies and tea?" Ryder asked me as he rolled his eyes.

I shook my head as I looked down trying to hide my smile.

Ryder didn't hate tea; he just didn't like to drink tea as often as I did.

"Doll, are we?" Ryder asked nervously as he met my gaze.

I looked up.

"No, it's coffee; I need it to keep myself up." I said in an annoyed tone when I burned my hand as I took off the cap and spilled a few drops.

"Don't say it as if it was my fault Doll, you were the one that started everything." Ryder said with a dark chuckle.

I glared at him shocked.

"Alright, then I guess you don't want me to do that ever again, right?" I said with a hint of disappointment in my voice as I looked at him temptingly.

Ryder suddenly stopped the car on the side of the road.

"Doll, I never said that, I was just saying that you started it last night not that I didn't want you to never do that again, on the contrary you should do it more often." Ryder said with a devilish smile.

"If you want that to ever happen again you should stop pointing out who started, it doesn't matter because at the end we both cooperated!" I said as I blushed and looked down.

Ryder was making me furious and he knew that.

Ryder looked at me and chuckled.

"Stop it Ryder, seriously." I said snapping at him for the first time ever.

"Whoa, someone has a small issue with their anger management." Ryder murmured in a low voice.

I gave a sight.

"I really am sorry Ryder it wasn't my intention to, I think I'm in a bad humor because I'm just nervous. What if we don't find the place that this map describes what if it's not real? I cannot afford to make mistakes right now Ryder, not when the Headmistress can arrive at any time, when there can be a huge war between vampires and hunters, not when the life of everyone I love is in massive danger, I cannot mess things up." I said as I covered my face with my hands.

Ryder took them away from my face and held my hands between his.

"Doll, everything will turn out fine, just relax." Ryder said as he met my gaze and rubbed his thumbs on the skin of my hands.

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