"Alright, it's okay." he throws his hands up in surrender form and stands, "it's nothing to cry over." his voice has drastically changed to a soft, understanding tone, "c'mon, sit back down." he grabs my hand and leads me back, sitting me down and taking his seat, "what you feel now," he leans in, "will be gone. That hate you feel towards him right now is just this little phase that I know will not last. You love him too much and it's a love you know you can't deny. Harry has never loved anyone as much as he loves you. He probably loves you more than he loves everything he loves put together. I would know," he half smiles confidently, "I've known the guy for more than six years, I know what he feels and I know what he's like. Whatever he did," he leans back like he has an idea of Harry's vile past, "it's nothing important now. He may seem emotionless sometimes or possessive, or even distant, maybe even temperamental but you're the only one who has put up with it."

He's right. I've been through so much with him and his temper and sometimes violent behavior, but I never left him, the thought never even slipped my mind. I knew because he fixed me and was there for me, I couldn't turn my back on him when he needed me just as much I needed him. Niall said he has known him for more then six years so maybe he does know what Harry did. Come to think of it, I'm actually positive he does. All the times at lunch when he would say "the party boy is back" or "the old Harry is back" makes sense now, and Harry's reaction to him saying those things are coming together.

"I'm right," he grins, "you know I'm right. Just, give it a few days even a few weeks if you need but just know he's nothing without you." he leans back into his chair and slouches, crossing his arms over his chest as if he just gave a lesson he's proud of.

"I don't know what to do." I sound younger then I actually do and my voice is so little, almost unrecognizable.

"Yes you do." he nods, "you always do. Just go with your heart." his last word echo's throughout the room and in my mind, remaining there even longer as it projects back and forth through my ear drums. My heart is not in place anymore, I don't even think it's there.

"Have you talked to him?" he asks.


"When was the last time you two talked?"

"Like, two days ago." I pick at my finger nails and he sighs.

"Okay, give it time. Give it time." he stands, "it'll all be okay, trust me." just as he grabs the back of his chair, the bell rings and students voices are immediately heard as they transition. I stand from my seat and Niall puts both of ours back in the cabinet and strides to the door. His massive broad body overpowers my worn out one and I can't help but to compare how similar it is to Harry's.

"Thank you." I say smiling picking my bag off the floor. A real smile, not a fake or forced one that I've been showing the past few days.

"Anytime." he wraps his heavy arms around my waist and pulls me in, "I'm always here." he assures running his hand up and down my back. He pulls away, but something pulls me back. I kiss his cheek, and he stands silently almost seeming to be caught off guard but recovers with a smile.

"You're the best." I say as he opens the door.

"I know." he shrugs cockily and holds it open. He follows me out we follow the remaining students from gym back up to the first floor.

Everyone looks so happy; enjoying each other's company and even though they don't notice me, I feel like my presents kills the mood. There's no way for me too feel like them. There's no type of joy or happiness in me and I know it'll be a while until it comes back.

"Well, you have English right?" Niall asks squeezing through the crowed halls.

"Yeah." I say following him. There are so many people I feel so clustered.

Pain: Her (Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora