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"Guys, I know this is bad timing and all, but I found Mardon."


"Well, my friend, Angelica Silva figured it out for me."

"Who's Angelica?"

"An old school friend. Just, come to S.T.A.R. Labs and she can explain it herself."

Marianna ended the call, she turned to Barry. He looked at her, confused before she made a motion with her hands.

"Joe, we have to go." Barry turned to him and he nodded.

"I'll cover for both of you. Go."

Both of them turned on their heel and walked to the elevators, taking the floor down and immediately, Barry scooped Marianna up in his arms and ran towards S.T.A.R. Labs.

They entered the cortex, Caitlin sitting with a girl, who looked normal to them.

"Uh, Caitlin, who is this?"

She turned to the girl before introducing her.

"This is Angelica Silva. She's an old friend. Someone obsessed with geeky stuff like Cisco."

"Hey, it's not geeky stuff, it's science, tech and fantasy. And I'm not obsessed, I'm passionate."

She laughed, as both friends introduced themselves before Marianna grabbed Caitlin and Barry's arms.

They all walked into the training room and closed the door.

"Caitlin, what were you thinking bringing a stranger here!"

"She's not a stranger! And she can keep secrets, guys!"

"We know, but she just saw that Barry is The Flash. I mean, how can she keep a secret like that?"

"She can, okay? I trust her. Give her a couple days, or at least see what Cisco has to say!"


They all walked out, smiles on their faces as Marianna quickly called Cisco, walking out of the cortex.

"Hey, where are you?"

"I'm driving to S.T.A.R. Labs. I'm almost there, why?"

"Well, Caitlin brought over a stranger to S.T.A.R. Labs and showed her, well, everything."

"Well, not on my watch she won't. I'm there in 3 minutes."

Ending the call, she walked back inside the cortex, as she asked a couple questions to Angelica.

"So, where are you from?"

"First question you get, Marianna, and you chose this one?" Barry turned to her and stifled a laugh.

"Let her answer. I'm curious."

"Well, I'm originally from Starling City. And if you would like to know, I personally know The Arrow, so yes, I can keep secrets like those."

Marianna's cheeks turned a deep red as she crossed her arms.

"How long have you known him?"

"For years. I don't think we've ever actually met. Have we? No, I would recognize you anywhere."

"Wait.. Angelica, are you Cresendo?"

Angelica got up from her chair and bowed, smiling.

"Pleasure to meet you."

"Caitlin, who is this?"

We all turned to see Cisco standing at the edge of the cortex, looking straight at Angelica.

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