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"v-vik?" i choke out, tears forming in my eyes as i hear his even breaths on the other end.

"hey bog.. you alright?" his voice whispers softly, tears sliding down my cheeks as i pinch the bridge of my nose.

"h-he's gone." i whimper, before a heavy sob chokes me.

static fills the line, before vik releases a heavy sigh.

"i'm sorry baby boy.." he murmurs, his voice cracking ever so slightly.

"v-vik. he-he's gone. like g-gone gone." i mumble quietly, tears falling down my cheeks and onto the beige comforter beneath me.

"come back home love.. i'll make it all better. we will go downtown and get ice cream and order take out and cozy up and watch films, okay?" he attempts to comfort me, but another sob fills the air.

"i-i was gonna m-marry him.. n-now he's g-gone." i cry quietly.

"i'm booking you a flight home harry. stay strong, please-"

"no v-vik." i whimper after a few seconds, causing him to laugh lightly.

"harry, there's nothing you can do-"

"i'm finishing this trip." i sob, before ending the call.

i toss my phone onto the soft sheets beneath me, before looking over my shoulder, resting my chin on my shoulder as tears slowly slide down my cheeks.

the large glass window was dotted with precipitation, a dense cloud hanging above the city as rain pours down.

i stand slowly, my legs shaky as i begin to pack my things. i start in the bathroom, collecting my deodorant and toothbrush, along with other toiletries and exiting the room.

i pace back to the main room, folding all my clothes neatly and placing them into my bag. i make the bed neatly, seeing callum's watch on the bedside table.

with shaky hands, i pick up the watch, imagining it on his wrist.

"m-my boy." i whisper, working up more tears to stream down my cheeks.

i clasp the watch around my wrist, before looking towards his bag. i approach it, picking it up and throwing it onto the bed.

i unzip it, opening the top, a sudden burst of his cologne flooding my nose, intoxicating my broken body.

i grab his jumper, the one that reads 'don't be an asshole.' i laugh sadly, before pulling my shirt up and over my shoulders, replacing it with the soft fabric of his jumper.

i pull the sleeves over my scarred wrists, covering my hands as i swaddle the fabric to my nose, inhaling lightly, his smell wiping all other senses.

"g-god i miss you." i cry into the cuffs.

with that, i close his bag, placing next to mine. i grab my phone and wallet, the keys next to it. i slip them into the pockets of the jumper.

i check the time on my phone, opening to a picture of callum and i- him and i in an embrace at uni.

with one final sob, i start towards the door, dragging the heavy luggage out of the room.


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