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"harry." callum sings into my ear, causing my eyes to flutter open.

"hm?" i turn my neck, feeling his presence right behind my back.

"we have to go lovely." he mutters, and i nod.

i quickly climb out of my sleeping bag, feeling cold air nip at the hair on my neck. callum does the same, except his body begins to tremble.

"holy fuck its freezing cold." his teeth chatter, and i laugh.

"teaches you hey?" i smirk, and he shakes his head.

"i won't be going semi-nude ever again." he chuckles, and i giggle, beginning to clean up the inside of the tent.


"oh my god, look at these mountains." i gape, hanging my head out the window as i stare at the great rocky mountains containing the highway.

"they're amazing aren't they?" callum shouts over the music, causing me to look towards him.

it was similar to the car ride up to here. he had his sunglasses on, wind blowing his hair around in all different directions, a smile playing on his lips.

i nod, feeling all the air escape me as i look towards him.

"i can find something more amazing" i mutter beneath my breath.

"what was that?" he hums, his vision turning from me to the road.

"i said i found something more amazing." i shout louder, and he smiles.

"i have too baby." he grabs my hand, moving it up to his lips and pressing kisses to it.

i smile, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"where are we?" i ask aloud, and he bites his lip to contain a smile, linking our fingers and placing it on the clutch in between us.

"banff national park. we're in alberta." he explains, and i nod.

"are we stopping here?" i shout, and he shakes his head.

"no, but we will stop in the city for booze." he laughs, and i chuckle, before looking back out of the window and admiring the landscape before me.


"what do you want?" he asks, perusing the aisles of alcohol.

"i-i don't drink." i laugh nervously, and he gasps.

"what? are you serious?" he deadpans, and i nod, swallowing heavily.

"i like to know what's around me. plus, i shouldn't really drink with my pills." i chuckle, rubbing the back of my neck, knowing it was kind of a lie.

"you can't drink with your medication?" he asks, and i shrug.


"pick any alcohol you like babe."


"callum, we can't drink all of this tonight!" i shriek over the music, and he shakes his head, a smirk playing on his lips.

"no baby, this is for the whole trip." he laughs, and i feel a genuine laugh bubble from my throat.

we ended up walking away with four cases of guinness, three bottles of vodka, a mickey of tequila, two bottles of whiskey and four bottles of wine.

it was safe to say we had enough to fill many bathtubs.

"okay, good." i laugh.

we begin to leave the mountains, the mountains soon turning into flats and small hills. farms surrounded us as we left the beauty behind, engaging with the prairies.

it didn't take long for me to grow bored of the scenery.

"when do we arrive somewhere entertaining?" i chuckle, and he nods his head forward.

"look." he smirks, and i soon see the city roll into view.


double update because you guys support this book so much. and to anyone that lives in alberta near the middle, i am sorry for the description but i drove from banff to drumheller and thought we kept doing circles because it aLL LOOKED THE SAME IM SORRY I STILL LOVE YOU ALOT -nicole xx

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