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my eyes flutter open, my head pounding from the lack of water after being sick. i push myself up, reaching over and grabbing the half full water bottle, downing most of its contents quite quickly.

i sigh, looking towards the sleeping boy with a small smile. he was a precious little baby, and i was more than lucky to have him as mine.

and with that, i stood from my position on the bed, heart pounding against my chest, before i exit the tent to make us breakfast.


"dinho, wake up my love." i sing quietly, holding the plates of food in front of me.

"mm, morning." he smiles in a stretch, causing me to smile even wider.

"sit up, this is for you." i command softly, before handing him the plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, breakfast sausage and toast with butter.

"this looks amazing callum.. thank you." he thanks sincerely, so i nod.

"it was easy." i shrug it off with a giggle.

we begin to eat in silence, the distant sound of the creek running through and bird chirping working as a background ambience.

"that was delicious." harry murmurs in a full mouth, causing me go raise my brows as i look towards his empty plate.

"what the fuck?" i mutter in confusion, looking down at my nearly full plate.

"you were hungry!" i shriek, causing a heavenly laugh to explode past his lips.

"i was." he agrees, swallowing the lasts of his mouthfull.

i ate as he began to get ready, finally finishing as he swallowed his pills.

"oh, harry!" i start, making him turn around to look at me, "we are going paddle boarding this morning."


"holy shit cal, have you done this before?!" i hear harry yell as i stand up swiftly, pushing my body along the water as i was instructed to.

i spin the board around, paddling back towards the shore where he was sat on his knees four feet into the water.

"no, i guess i just have a good center of balance." i shout back.

i reach him at once, going onto my butt as i slide in next to him.

"so.." i trail off with a chuckle.

"are there weeds out there?" he asks quietly, and i shake my head.

"nope. this lake is manmade, no weeds, no fish, just a sandy bottom." i explain to him, and he looks relieved.

"thank god." he mutters beneath his breath, making me laugh.

"now will you go out there with me?" i ask, and he looks towards me with a smile.

"yeah, lets go."


"look at me go!" i shriek in a laugh, raising my leg as i continue to paddle.

"you are so cocky callum." i hear him mumble, causing me to pout.

"aw, i'm sorry for being better at paddle boarding then you." i pout playfully, and he huffs.

"you may be better, but at least i haven't fallen yet." he shrugs with a smirk, and i bite my lip, and despicable smirk washing over my lips.

i paddle closer to him, before my hands meet his chest. i push as hard as i can, but he stands firm, a slight wiggle the only downfall.

i pushed too hard, causing me to fall into the icy water.

"holy shit!" i breathe, treading water as i swim towards my board, my body going numb.

he laughs as i reach my board, throwing my shaking arms onto it.

i then reach over, grabbing his foot and pulling it towards me, causing him to fall backwards into the cold water.

"ca-llum!" he screeches, so i howl in laughter.

"oh my days!" he screams, swimming back towards me.

we both climb back onto the boards, our already numb legs hanging into the cold water. the sun was already rising- we set out at 5 am.

i look over to harry, who was dripping wet, and staring at the rising sun.

i reach for his hand, holding it in mine. i then lean my head onto his shoulder, and there we were.

in the middle of the lake on paddle boards, watching the sun rise as i was sat with the love of my life.

sorry for no update yesterday, i had a medical emergency and wasn't able to write. but here it is now! (btw, that picture is from the base of kilimanjaro, my dad climbed it.) ilyasm- nicole xx

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