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"be mine."

i look towards the boy next to me, a small smile creeping on my lips. tears burn my eyes at the thought of being someones lover. i was someones source of happiness and tears and laughter.

i nod, choking out a stiffled chuckle before i press my lips to his. the mattress stays above the water as our lips mend to each others, not missing an inch for anything.

"i love you harry." he whispers against my lips as he pulls away, causing my heart to soar.

he loves me.

"i love you so much more callum." i reconnect our lips with haste, wanting to feel his lips on mine.

now i can kiss him whenever i please.

now i can hold him whenever i please.

now i can touch him whenever i please.

his lips pull away from my needy ones, both of us breathless.

"we should get back, we've drifted quite far." he chuckles breathily.

i look back towards our site, realizing we did drift out thirty feet.

"oh god.. callum.." i gasp, feeling anxiety and panic wash over me.

"shh, calm. it's ok, i'm right here, i'll get us back there." he promises, before pressing a short kiss to my cheek and jumping off the mattress into the dark lake.

i watch as his head pops out from under the water, causing small waves to ripple around him as he treads in the cold water.

"c'mon love, join me." he does a little twirl in the water, and i shake my head, a light laugh bubbling from my lips as all my panic washes away.

"no, its too cold, and i'm wearing white trousers." i hiss, and he shakes his head, laughing cutely.

"i'll take off mine if it makes you feel better." he murmurs, swimming closer to the floaty.

i swallow heavily, feeling an odd energy flood my body. was it lust?

"well we may as well just fucking skinny dip." i scoff, trying to cover the fact that i was extremely turned on.

"that was the plan all along sweetheart." his voice growls lowly, before he reaches beneath the water, pulling off his boxers and tossing the wet cloth onto the mattress.

i feel my breath hitch.

i slowly slide mine down my legs, feeling embarrassed as everything just hangs loose. he turns around, as if he knows i'm embarrassed, before i slide off the mattress into the cold water.

"jesus fuck." i hiss, treading water.

"it'll get better." he turns back around, swimming towards me.

"i love you harry." he murmurs, pulling our bodies close, so close, i can feel the warmth from his body radiating onto mine.

"i love you more callum." i whisper, before our lips lock once again.

i'm back. thank you for all of your messages and kind words, i honestly screenshotted every single one and looked at it every day while i was gone. it helped alot. thank you all, i love you so much.

i also will only be updating every three days. its not a jurrastic change, just a small once since school is starting soon..

hope you enjoyed! -nicole xx

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