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"callum..." is sung into my hear, a raspy voice on the other side.

i slowly open my eyes, being met with harry, who was straddling my waist, his hands on my chest, his face hovering over mine.

"i could get used to this." i murmur with a smirk.

"good morning." he smiles, before pressing his lips softly to mine.

"definitely could get used to this."

"morning." i respond, voice a bit rough from last night.

"how are you feeling?" i ask after a few seconds of silence, and he shrugs, a dainty smile dancing on his slightly swollen lips.

"alright, actually.. you?" he returns, and i smile even wider, pulling him onto me properly, smothering him in a hug.

"absolutely amazing." i mutter, kissing his cheek.

he sits up slightly, pressing his lips to mine a couple times, before sitting up properly.

"we need to get out of here if we wanna make it to toronto on time." he says, and i nod, sitting up next to him.

we slowly get ready, and begin to take down camp.


"boy, it sure rains alot." i murmur, and he shrugs.

"i dunno, i quite like the rain." he responds with a small shrug.

"i know you do." i smile slightly.

i focus on the road as i drive, harry's eyes lost in the rain outside his window.

"i can't believe that you were the one that was made for me. you were the one that made me feel." he mutters against the window, his breath creating a bit of fog.

"and i can't believe i found you." i counter.

"i am so thankful for you, for us, for this trip." he gasps in wonder as the world continues to pass us.

"i'm happy i could be a part of your life."


"holy shit." i mumble, causing the sleepy boy to open his eyes.

"wh-... woah." his eyes light up as we drive into the big city of toronto.

the sun was gleaming high in the sky, the rain all dried up. cars buzzed around the city, tall building surrounding us.

"is that the CN tower?!" he shrieks, and i shrug.

"probably." i laugh.

we continue to drive around the city, looking for the hotel we are staying in.

"where are we gonna camp?" he asks, his eyes full of wanderlust.

"we aren't camping. we are staying in a hotel, and i'm going to treat you."


waltzing into the room i booked for us, he drops his bags, his eyes scanning around the room as his jaw hangs low.

"callum.." his voice mutters, and i smile, pulling him into my arms and spinning a circle, his mouth eliciting out a few squeals.

"all for you." i murmur, before smashing my lips against his.

and there we stood, in the entryway of a penthouse room on the fiftieth floor of a hotel, lips pressed against each others.

and there i knew.

i wanted to marry him.

cries. happy thanksgiving (if you're in canada) im so thankful for all you lovely readers, genuinely, you make me feel so much better about myself. i love you all so much💜 -nicole xx

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