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we finally arrived at kiche manitou campground in manitoba. i slowly opened the door, the warm july air washing around me.

i raise my arms high above my head, stretching my body, stiff joints releasing with a subtle pop.

"alright.. let's get this thin set up!" callum claps cheerfully, causing me to smile and walk around to the boot.

"we should stop more often.. walking after sitting for eight or nine hours isn't very good." i suggest with a light chuckle, and he laughs.

"yeah.. speaking of not stopping, i really need to piss." his knees move towards each others as he walks towards the edge of our campsite.

"callum, the outhouses are over there." i point towards the exit, and he shake his head, unzipping his trousers.

"can't wait." he huffs, before he sighs contently.

"you are disgusting!" i howl, and i hear him laugh loudly.

"alright, you're saying that now but you won't be saying that once i'm planking over you." he returns with a low hum, causing my stomach to do flips.

what a beautiful image that would be.

i pull the tent out of the back of the car, unzipping the bag and dumping out its contents as callum comes closer.

"right.. this shouldn't take long." he mutters gleefully, helping me stretch the tent open.

we make haste as we set up the tent, getting it fully set up in less than ten minutes.

"we are getting the hang of this hey?" he chuckles, and i nod, a small smile washing over my face.

i wasn't one to camp, but now that i basically live in the tent, i will most likely do it more often.

we begin to blow up the air mattress, struggling to fit it in the small doorway but managing. callum tosses the sleeping bags and luggage into the tent for me to organize.

as i do so, callum begins to set up the tarp and start on dinner.

"you alright with hot dogs for dinner?" he calls out, and i hum in response.

he begins to chop the extra firewood we had from before, starting the fire as i exit the tent.

he was sat on his chair, back facing me, sticking the logs into the flame. i smile, walking towards him and wrapping my arms around his chest, resting my chin on his head.

"thank you for this callum." i murmur, and he grabs my arms, pressing a small kiss to my wrists.

"don't worry about it love, i'd die for you." he says, and i shake my head, unraveling myself from him.

"don;t say that. you aren't dying for anyone anytime soon." i mutter seriously, and he nods.

"i'm just saying bog, i would." he defends lightly, before handing me my roasting stick.

"go get your hot dog, the fire is ready." he smiles, nodding his head towards the picnic table.

i stand with a small smile, walking towards the table, feeling at ease.


"harry, do you want to go swimming?" callum asks as i gather up the marshmallows we didn't use, putting them back into the food bin.

"at ten o'clock in the dark? no thanks, i'll pass." i chuckle, placing the bin back into the boot.

"c'mon babe, it's right there. it'll just be us. live a little." he whines, and i sigh.

"i guess.."

update coming in an hour or so! -nicole xx

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