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:one week later:

"this is so fucking frustrating." i huff angrily, throwing my pencil roughly towards the wall, before gripping my hair in anger.

i grunt out, shoving my textbooks off my lap and standing with a muffled scream. i begin to storm the room, releasing my anger on anything that crosses my path.

dishes getting thrown towards the damaged walls, smashing picture frames hanging from the walls, smashing lamps in every which way.

"callum? what the fuck mate?!" i hear ethan screech, his presence soon recognizable as he gapes at the mess i've made.

"b-behz." i choke out, but he shakes his head, rushing towards me, anger painted in his features.

my mood soon turns from angry to afraid. ethan is much stronger than me.

he lunges towards me, gripping my shirt roughly and pushing us back towards the wall, my back colliding with the cold material with a crash.

"we cannot take this anymore. you with your sudden angry outbursts over absolutely nothing, its ridiculous! either you need to leave or get some help, because we don't have the time, patience or money to deal with this any longer." he screams in my face, the familiar burning of tears soon washing over me.

"i'm s-sorry, i'll pay for all of this." i choke out, and he huffs.

"that's a no brainer callum. you need to leave for the night, we have to clean this up and we can't risk you lashing out again." he spits, dropping me from his strong grip.

i stand there, mouth gaping open. i nod, pursing my lips and rushing towards my room.

tobi walks out of his room as i begin to stride down the hallway, not even attempting to make eye contact as he roughly bumps my shoulder. i take the hit, my head dropping as tears drip from my orbs.

i pack an overnight bag, grabbing my wallet and phone, along with headphones and my charger, my toiletries bag and a pair of clothes.

i swing the bag over my shoulders, walking out of my room slowly, closing the door behind me. i pad towards the front door, not sparing another look as i walk out of the flat.

i then run towards the stairwell, tears relentlessly streaming down my cheeks.

there is no worse feeling then being thrown out by your best mates because of something you can't fully control.

i begin to wheeze for oxygen as i rush down the stairs, two at a time, the tears picking up pace.

i finally reach the bottom, walking out into the cold london air, feeling the chilliness of it nip at my skin through my thin long-sleeve. i shove my hands into the pockets of my adidas joggers as i walk towards the bus stop.

i begin to shiver as i watch the bus edge closer. once it stops in front of me, i enter it, seeing it was nearly empty.

"where to?" the drivers deep voice asks, and i purse my lips.

i didn't really think this through.

"the nearest bar to the university of london please." i request, pulling out five pounds and handing to the man.

he takes the money, before dismissing me to sit. i take the nearest window seat, staring out the window as the cold london night passes before my eyes.

hope you enjoyed! -nicole xx

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