Chapter Thirty- Five

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Jade moved to the table and smiled at her guests, removing the empty glasses and replacing them with full ones. They were warm and engaging and she found herself smiling with them. They were far from the dead eyes of the man she had seen the night before.

She had never thought the club was owned by a shifter. Loco had told her there were so many more of them then she knew in the world. She had never known, had no clue that it was a shifter club, that people at the club could have been. It had never occurred to her, they were just people. She knew Dominik had linked the club back to his pack somehow, the links still lost on her, but now she was seeing them. The man was his Alpha's son, the man was of the same blood that could brutally kill and hurt women.

Jade inhaled and tried to calm herself, she knew by now not all shifters were harmful. In fact, the ones she had known and met were always kind to her, except Gina. Even then that had nothing to do with her being a shifter and more to do with her just being a jealous, petty bitch. Even humans were that at times. Though Gina did show moments of kindness, or honesty, or maybe it was combination of the two, Jade still wasn't sure.

It struck Jade that she had been around more shifters unaware, that she would never know who were shifters until they did or said something to give it away. Fear captured her heart as the dead eyes flashed in her memory again. They were so cold, it made her wonder if that was how Dominik's Alpha had looked, dead eyes with no soul. The laugh of a female made Jade turn her attention back to her job.

Week nights tended to be slower for the lounge; a few businessmen coming in for night time meetings or a few lone wolves trying to impress some girl they met on the main floor. It wasn't unusual for Jade to see some guy in the corner with a woman after having whittle down the large gaggle he left in the main club.

It was close to closing and she was more than happy to call it a night. She had kept her eyes opened as Gina said, looking for any signs or any one that stood out to her. She didn't see the man with dead eyes that night, making her feel more relaxed. She saw the blondes again, just like clockwork they came, sat at a table alone, then left 30 minutes later. There was nothing about their coming that stood out, they didn't speak to anyone other than a waitress, didn't take anything out with them other than their bags. Jade didn't understand what their goal was. Until suddenly it occurred to her.

Jade had some experience with drugs, she had never done them herself but she had been around them all her life in some way. Her mother had used for years and Jade had seen the effect of them on the human body and mind. After leaving her mother she swore to never poison her body that way, and she hadn't, but that hadn't stopped her from helping others to poison theirs. She had started while living in the foster system, carrying drugs and dropping them to dealers to distribute on the streets. She had needed the money, even more so once she ran away, continuing to carry for a while until she decided to disappear completely.

She remembered what carrying was like; the way she had to hide the drugs in places that wouldn't be obvious so no one accidently came across it if they were searching bags or bodies. She remembered the way she had to at times come up with ways to mask the scents when there was a high chance of drug dogs being around searching. She remembered the way everything was so secretive, never actually being handed the drugs or handing anyone the money, always things were subtle. She would never directly hand over the drugs to the person they were supposed to go to, the smaller dealers who needed fresh stock. Instead she would always drop them some place, a designated spot so that they knew to come get it, they were always watching and waiting for her to drop them.

She stared at the table where the blonde women had sat, now empty as it had been for at least a few hours. The table wasn't in her section so she couldn't just roam over to it and start searching it, the fact she was in that area alone would cause suspicion if it were being watched. Which she had a feeling it was, so instead she focused on looking to see who was watching the table.

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