Chapter Thirteen

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Jade walked around the club, picking up the glasses. It had been a month, almost two, since she had been kidnapped but truth was it was starting to feel like something else. Dominik had kept true to his word on everything. He hadn't touched her in any sexual manner, he hadn't hit her, or abused her. There were a few times that he had yelled at her and she could tell he was fighting something inside of him to not smack her. But he had never hit her. And true to his word, as soon as he began to trust her, as soon as she began to behave, he had started to give her more freedom. He no longer tied her up at night at all.

In fact, the man had filled her wardrobe with more clothes then she had ever owned in her 19 years of life combined, filling her closets and drawers with new clothes, shoes, underwear, and even makeup. He had forced her to eat so much that she had already gained at least ten pounds, not that he would allow her to gain too much. He made her work out with him every morning. Running, swimming, lifting weights. Her body was starting to look healthy again. She was still small but now there was less bones showing through her skin and she was starting to get some definition.

She was still his slave for lack of wording which he made sure to remind her of often. She couldn't go anywhere without him being right there with her. Every night he locked her into the room she slept in only unlocking the door in the morning when it was time to work out. He still made her do things she didn't understand, like the mere fact she was working in the club.

She had no idea why he had kidnapped her still, and when she asked the answer stayed the same. He gave nothing away but as she was allowed to keep the tips she earned, she realized it could be a lot worse. In just the few short weeks since she had come to be at the club she had earned over three hundred dollars in tips. The first time she got tips, she had handed them over to Dominik who shook his head and told her to keep them. He told her that she still had a future to plan for when this was all over. It was the reminder she needed that he was going to keep his word and set her free someday. She never asked when, but in truth she was somewhat happy.

Things at the club had settled down, the first few nights the women were on full alert and on edge thinking something would happen again. But after a few nights of no incidents they got back into the stride of things, much to the joy of Jade. While Anya welcomed her right in, Jade improving enough to not need to be shadowed any longer, not everyone was as welcoming.

Though there were none as unwelcoming as Carrie had been. For the most part most of the women in the club just sent her glares and warned her off from their areas for the night. But there were a few who went a bit further, shoving her as they walked by trying to make her drop her tray. Others had tried to trip her so she dropped drinks on patrons. Most times it had backfired, the patrons didn't seem to get as upset as she was sure the waitresses had wanted them to.

Jade stopped at the service area next to the bar and smiled at Anya as she came to check in. She was teaching Jade how to mix drinks before each shift. Unlike the other waitresses in the club Jade had to work every night that Dominik was there. If Dominik was there six days a week, so was she. Only good thing was, she had no set schedule so she didn't have to adhere to any break schedule like the other girls did.

"How's it going?" Anya asked, smiling genuinely at Jade.

"So far so good." She handed her the tray and took the small metal purple case she used for her tips into her hand.

It was about the time Dominik would be reaching into the bag for yet another sweet treat which meant she could indulge as well in the cheese Danish he got for her every night. In the time, she had spent with the kidnapper, she had learned that he had a sweet tooth that no one knew about outside of the elderly couple, herself, and Loco.

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