Chapter Five

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Hours passed by but the only indication she could tell was the way the room grew dark from the sun setting, and the way her body ached. She hadn't moved, when she tried all she did was hurt her arm trying to roll over into a new position. She tried to stand, moving her legs over towards the edge to try and swing them over, to try and stand. But she couldn't wiggle enough to get close to the edge.

Her mind was still trying to understand, trying to make sense of what was going on around her. She had been kidnapped by a man that up until almost 12 hours before she would have thought him a good guy. He was always kind to her on those rare moments they met. He even attempted to save her from some dude who was trying to rape her. But Dominik Kinkaid was no better than that drunk idiot.

She had been kidnapped and like so many others on the streets there was no one looking for her. This was the life she had picked all those years ago, when she snuck out the window in the middle of the night. She was tired of abuse, of the fear that controlled her life. So, she ran. She was going to be free she thought, but she was a fool. Because all that path led her to was being kidnapped by a man who very well may have been more dangerous than the one in her home.

She heard the click of the door, the sound of the door unlocking. She waited, the tear stained blanket under her wetting her cheek. She felt him lift her body by the waist, turning her and setting her down on the bed, her back propped up by pillows.

"Kitten, I brought you food." He looked the same as before, except he was fully dressed, dark slacks and a white button up that showed off the build of his frame. He picked up a plastic container, a take-out container and sat down on the bed beside her. His green eyes watching her.

He had not hit her, not beat her, and not forced sexual favor from her. In all pretenses, he was kind to her. Except for the tying her up and locking her up in a room. But how kind was it to kidnap someone and hold them against their will? He was offering her a roof, food, shelter. But at what price? Her freedom. But worse than that was the fact he took the choice from her.

All her years on the streets it had always been her choice. When she carried drugs for people for money, it was her choice to do so. When she carried dirty money for drops, it was her choice to do so. When she found valuable items and didn't return them, instead pawning the items, it was her choice to do so. Every bad thing she ever did in her life was her choice to do it. But so was everything good in her life.

When she would share her food with the other kids she would sometimes hang around with, that was her choice. When she would protect the younger ones, still new on the streets that was also her choice. When she would take them to shelters so that they could get off the streets that was her choice. When she would refuse to sell her body for food that was her choice.

He took her choice away from her and somewhere in her mind she couldn't get pass that. No one had taken her freedom from her since she was 17. That was the last time anyone took her choices away from her. She swore then that no matter how bad life was for her, it would always be because she made the choices. She knew what it was like to not have any control over your life. She grew up with knowing that feeling. Of knowing what it was like to not have any say in what others did to your body.

"Kitten?" His voice broke through again. He was stone faced as she was noticing he usually was. His eyes, face, stance giving nothing away of his thoughts and feelings. But she was starting to wonder if he even had any.

"Why do you call me that?" She asked him, her eyes straight ahead. She knew she had no chance of escape, not while he kept locking her into a room and then bound her. Even if she could escape, she didn't doubt for a minute the man meant it when he said he would find her. There was something dangerous about him that at first meeting she sensed but pushed it aside because he was always so nice to her.

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