After a few minutes of driving I told him where to pull over so he could stop by a park that was a few streets away from my house. I just couldn't risk him to know where I lived, as I told him that I started to sneeze constantly every five or ten seconds.

"I think you are going to get a cold." Nick said as he looked at me.

I nodded and shivered since the shirt I was wearing was very thin and the sweater I had in my bag as the rest of my clothes were still wet.

"Here" Nick said as he handed me his jacket.

"Thank you." I said as I placed on his jacket.

After a few minutes, Nick pulled by the park.

"Here we are." He said as he looked at me.

"Thank you so much." I said as I started to get off his car.

"See you later Alice." He said with a smile.

I started to walk to my house when I remembered.

"I almost forgot, here." I said as I started to take off his jacket.

"Keep it, it's cold and you can give it to me later in school." Nick said before he drove away.

Once I got to the house I got to my bedroom and went straight to bed not bothering to take off my boots or anything.

"Alice, honey please wakeup." A soft voice said as someone woke me up.

I open my eyes and saw that it was already late; Kelly was sitting next to me in the bed still in her office clothes.

"Hello Kelly." I croaked; my throat felt very dry and raspy.

"Did you get wet again? Where you in the rain again and got wet?" She asked me in an accusing tone.

I just gave her a tiny smile.

Kelly gave a sight.

"What am I going to do with you Alice? You are burning up, you have high fever." Kelly said as she went to my dresser and took out my pajamas, Kelly help me get undress and into my pajamas.

After that she gave me tea, medicine and tucked me into bed.

"Try to get some rest, I'll check up on you in the morning." Kelly said as she turned off the lights and closed the door behind her. I got myself warm in bed and started at the ceiling until I fell asleep.

I walked in a long white hallway; there was complete silence except for my breathing. The hallway seemed endless, expect for the white light that seemed to be the end of it. Suddenly there was a white blinding light, when I could see I saw that I was in a room of what seemed to be a castle, I looked around and saw a woman. She had long brown hair, pale skin, brown eyes and a light purple dress that could easily belong to Goddess. When she met my eyes, she smiled.

"I've been waiting for you Alice." She said in a sweet voice that resembled spring and honey. I also notice that she had a distant sound of voice and it had a British accent but somehow it seemed older.

"Don't be shy Alice, I mean any harm." She said when I saw that I grew nervous.

I got closer to her slowly taking my time to look at her; she was beyond beautiful that it complemented her unreal image.

"I know you are very confused right now Alice but I promise you that everything will make sense soon." The woman said in a calm voice.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her confused.

"That soon you will understand what your real mission is Alice. Just don't be afraid of making a mistake because I know you will do the right thing like always Alice, that is why I believe in you and don't be afraid to trust Ryder either." She said as she met my gaze.

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